Sunday, August 10, 2014


You know, this blog is kind of nice for speaking into the void. I don't think anyone actually reads this anymore aside from the occasional person who gets here from an unrelated google search, so I might start using it again to ramble about things I don't feel like posting on tumblr. It's nice. I like the noise my keyboard makes when I type, and I don't have to worry about clogging up people's feeds or making quality posts because, let's be real, this blog is the epitome of not quality.

There was a post here, but then it occurred to me that people might actually read this and I'd actually rather not publish my tired self's weird ramblings.

so I guess I might do this when I'm in a less weird mood?
Yeah sounds like a plan.

see you later croco-- (wait no um)
crocogator? (yeah ok nice save)

after while allidile (see that sounds right I'm sure no one noticed)


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

~ghost noises~

Hello nerdlords,

If any of you regular visitors I'm told this blog still has have looked at the dates on these posts lately, you might have noticed that I've been missing for a long time.

"Where is she now?" you might ask. "Whatever happened to that Xenon kid, huh?" you ponder. "Where did she come from, where did she go, where did she come from cotton eye Xenon?" you sing. Or perhaps you check this page every day just to relish my absence and the lack of newer and more terrible posts, to which I say "I can't say I blame you, really," and also "HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA IM BACK LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi"

But the point is, yeah, I've basically abandoned this blog, but no, I'm not dead and there's no need to worry about that weird Xenon kid next time you come here for some reason. I'm still around. Watching. Waiting.


And since I still exist and you people apparently still visit my blog, you can follow my instagram (horseysaiyan) or my tumblr (mommyidrawedapicture) if you really really need more of me in your life, and I totally understand if you do. I'm the same Xenon you grew to love here for some reason, but marginally less annoying and with better art (and better art-sourcing habits, my sincerest apologies to anyone whose work appears on this blog).

So where have I been? School. My not-room. Carnegie Hall. The barn. The couch. Belize. Saving a chicken's life. Petting cats and dogs. Doodling incessantly. Wasting my time.
And speaking of wasting time, I have band camp in the morning and it's already too late for me to get enough sleep.

Until we meet again, dear friends,