Friday, July 27, 2012

Oh em gee, pewnehs.

Sorry I haven't posted lately. Or, if you hate me but still read this for some reason, you're welcome for the break from my stupidity.

So. I've been having horse-related adventures with the best horse ever, Jack. Because I never place well in shows no matter what I do, I'm learning fancy stuff and making Jack look all classy and stuff. So, because I need to work with Jack and because another horse has recently stopped being lazy and started being mean, we've had special lessons. Jack hasn't learned anything new, but he's been a lesson horse for a while and has forgotten a lot of the fancy stuff like picking up his head, not running out of control every time my leg touches him, and moving his front legs independently from his back legs (in other words, pivoting around his back legs). He's not quite clear on the whole front end and back end thing and usually ends up backing up instead of spinning, but he's getting better. And he's already holding his head somewhat higher and actually picks up a nice calm trot instead of hearing me click and running away.

In other news, I've been trying to draw realistic stuff from photos. I have three decent ones and a few works in progress that look really stupid and deformed.

I would have posted the decent ones here, but they refuse to show up in the drafts (The iPad doesn't let me post pictures the normal way, so I email them to the drafts folder and copy them from there). So, since I'm not getting any pictures into this post, enjoy this Germany smiley.


You're welcome.
Today, I went to see a house that my dad designed for some people who are obviously much richer than my family. The house is huge. There's a closet with a window in it. And a theater that, when finished, will contain a twelve-foot screen (how about I steal it and watch Avengers and play Portal all day?). And a circular staircase that is impossible to descend without feeling epic. And a pool on a balcony overlooking a pond (Did you know that a pond is only a pond if light can reach the bottom? And, while we're on that subject, that rigor mortis comes and goes?). And an entire floor for the kids. And my room is still an uninsulated corner of the house containing a piano, a punching bag, and two chairs because it is entirely unlivable.


When I have my own house, it's going to look like a medieval fortress and there are going to be a bunch of places that look inaccessible, but I'll be able to reach them and I'll chill there reading a book and watching my horses in the pasture and not caring when my super-awesome husband and/or guests get exasperated because I won't come down from the ceiling. And then I will come down and I'll get on one of my horses and we will gallop through the fields because the horse knows how to get through without falling or stepping on anything, and then I will come back inside and my husband will have found another of my reading spots and I will sit in another one across from him and if we have a kid, then the kid will be all, "Mom? Dad? Can you come down and make food, which I will love no matter what because I am the best kid to ever exist and also you guys are awesome parents?" And I will reply, "Yes, Goku, wait on your throne while we cook food with lasers and swords."

I really hope that prediction is at least somewhat accurate, because that would make me the winner of the Coolest Life Ever prize.

And that completely unrealistic prediction concludes this post.
Hasta la pasta~!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Titles are hard :(

Good afternoon (or morning, evening, ridiculously late, or any other point in time in which you may or may not exist), minions. Who wants to hear a bunch of random crap from my brain?

No one?

Too bad. That's what you're getting.

Today, as usual, I went to the barn for adventures and ponies and spending long stretches of time in the heat with long pants, a helmet, and an animal with a high body temperature. Jack and I are working in flying lead changes, which, for non-horse people, means switching which leg the horse stretches farthest while cantering, without falling into a trot or otherwise screwing up. It's simple once you get it the first time, but practicing it involves cantering around for a long time without relaxing. This is especially true with Jack, who will sprint away and blatantly disobey anyone who does not pay attention. Despite this being a difficult maneuver (Maneuver. That's a cool word.) with a hyperactive troll of a horse, we actually managed it several times. When we went to the middle of the ring to let the other rider try it, Jack panted for several minutes. Usually, he's only that tired if he's been trying to fight me, but he did almost everything exactly right and was still worn out. The other rider hadn't done this before and her horse was being lazy and confused, but she managed a couple of times. We also tried changing leads without turning, but Jack was too tired to figure out what I wanted and ended up charging around and wavering on and off the rail in a desperate attempt to possibly get it right. I let him have that.
After the lesson, I went to visit the foal, who has grown considerably and enjoys biting things, especially his mother. They both came up to me when I called them, but the mother left after a few seconds because she didn't appreciate being chewed constantly. The foal made a weird growling noise (I don't think he's learned how to nicker yet) and enjoyed the attention until I went inside to escape the heat. I love the south.
Then we left the barn, got Asian food, and came back home. And I haven't done anything productive since.

How about some pictures?

I got these a few days ago because my little cousins and I went to the mall and I had money and I am impulsive. When we got home, we all played with them at my cousins' request. The resulting game made no sense and involved Thor and Loki flying around, randomly punching each other, and running into things.

Another of my mall purchases is this:

His name is Filbert and he is my newest (artificial) friend.

Hm, let's see, other stuff...

This makes me laugh. I know. It shouldn't be that funny. But I'm laughing anyway.

Well. I've exhausted my picture supply. I guess that means I'm done with this.

A saucetastic Jojday to you.

No one is safe.

Yep. I finally got my permit after an extremely long period of inconvenience, travel, and procrastination. I only missed one question on the test, but I have only ever driven a few times and have been known to be easily distracted. Also, I may or may not hunt you down in the car.

So this is the story of how I got my permit:
I woke up this morning fairly late, having spent the past few days with my little cousins (again), and they like to walk loudly through the room while I'm sleeping because they're not allowed to make obvious efforts to wake me up. As soon as I woke up, my mom was all "Good morning! Ready to get your learner's?" and I smiled and accepted my fate. After breakfast, we went to the driver's license place, where I have been before because I had to get an ID to go to New York. We almost had to leave because there were no parking spaces, but one opened up about two seconds before we left. We went in, filled out a form, and sat down.
The building used to be a train station, which is pretty cool, but the wait was uncomfortable because a)I had a summer reading book and was leaning over to read it so I could mark it, b)I live in a somewhat sketchy town with somewhat sketchy people, and this place had a nice sample of said people, and c)we sat there for well over an hour as they called out numbers with seemingly no system. Then we stood there forever while my identification was sorted out and I had to test my eyes with a machine that did not want to show me anything by reading the numbers in line A (the choices of lines being 1, 2, and 3). And I had to repeat it a few times because apparently I'm super quiet (not because I can't be loud, but because I don't like screaming at people). Then I got my picture taken, had to have it retaken later because the original license said I wore glasses, which I don't, and took the test.
Then we left and ate lunch at a restaurant that, despite downtown being a sad, pointless shell of a place, was really good, but was so filling that I had to force myself not to look at, think about, or touch the food after eating about half so as to not explode.
And now I have a permit and you should stay safely inside from now on. The end.

I have some pictures and stuff, but I'll post them tomorrow or sometime because it's late(ish) and I have to get up for riding in the morning.

Look out for zombies. *salute*

Monday, July 9, 2012

Hey, I still exist!

...Or DO I? *mysterious hand motions*

Yeah, I think I do.

*hand motions*

So I went to the farm on Friday for a late 4th of July celebration (as in, a 7th of July celebration), and there were a lot of people there that the normal cousins and I never see. Despite the presence of other people we don't know, it was actually quite fun. When I got there, I went to my cousins' grandmother's house for "dinner," where I didn't actually eat anything. My cousins were in the hot tub when I got there, but it thundered loudly as I walked up because the weather does not like me at all, apparently. Then we played superbilliards (rolling the balls forcefully back and forth with the intent to hit fingers or at least keep everyone's hands moving frantically) and talked about Skyrim, which I have but can't play because I need a new video card and my computer is a jerkface poopyhead. We went back to the farm and stayed up until about 3 talking about random crap like swastika farms (younger boy cousin was playing Minecraft with older boy cousin #2 and had an efficient farm that happened to have that shape) and sauce.
On Saturday, we rode the Death Pals a lot (I hold the record for number of falls, but not for most epic fall. Older boy cousin #2 wins for bouncing up five feet, leaving the tube behind, and soaring sideways into the water.) and then got out the kneeboard, which three of us rode. I managed to nosedive and fall on my face, which I have never done before and which confirms that I was being a clumsy derp on Saturday. Then we swam around while boy cousin skied. One of the cousins I don't know and to whom I am actually not related and I were on surfboards in the middle of the lake, and she kept sitting on the back of hers facing me. This made me paranoid that she was going to fall off the back and shoot the board at me, so I put my hand in front of my face, then realized that a) that would not protect me from anything and would probably just break my hand as well as decapitating me, and b) my subconscious must think I'm awesome if that was my automatic reaction. Then we all went inside, ate, and watched fireworks that night. Because we are super awesome and not annoying or obnoxious at all, we screamed 'MERICA! after every single one and hit the porch railing repeatedly.

And then we stayed up really late again and left yesterday morning.

Last night, I was trying to go to sleep at a decent(ish) hour so that I would not be dead today, but my brain decided to wait until I was about to turn of the light to be all "NONONO WAIT YOU SHOULD TOTES FOR SRS DRAW UNDERTAKER!"
And I did.

And so continues the battle of sleep vs impulsiveness.

I have nothing much else to say, but here are some pictures to make up for it.

Okay. My powers (of which I have FAR too many) come from a peanut butter s'more, my costume is jeans and a purple shirt with a world map on it, my dog is my enemy, I got my powers at age three, the Avengers kill me (awesome death, yo), and, as I've already said, I have a ridiculous number of powers and talents and stuff. I am my new favorite superhero.

Also on the subject of The Avengers:

Can this be a real show, please? *puppy eyes*

...That was not cool, Captain America. We can't be friends. (Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist if you're wondering. He's a soul in a suit of armor, which I cannot explain without explaining the entire plot, and that would take a long time.)

Yep. Demons. The kind that devour human souls. Yeah.

Here's another of my impulse drawings that actually turned out pretty cool. Chell and the Different Turret from Portal (2) are being different.

Okay, time to wrap this post up neatly, as always.

Lol, did you actually think I would do that?
Hamster eyes.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Disclaimer: This post contains no burritos. I'm sorry if you're disappointed.

Haha, no I'm not.

So. Yesterday was the 4th. As a Hetalia fan and an American, I was all IT'S THE HERO'S BIRTHDAY EVERYONE EAT BURGERS AND SHOOT FIREWORKS!!! Except I'm an herbivore so I didn't eat burgers and I didn't shoot fireworks because my family (my cousins' family, actually, as I'm the only one not related to that side of the family)doesn't have a party until Saturday for some reason. Also, the only special thing about the day was that my dog was distressed by the fireworks going off outside, causing her to bark a lot and eventually have her bed moved to the back of the house so she couldn't hear it.
Whatever. America!

I got a haircut today. It's only significant because a)I rarely get haircuts because my hair decides what to do on its own anyway, and b)I got bangs, which, despite what my cartoon self looks like, is a new thing. I enjoy them so far. Also, it's good for making people think I put some effort into my appearance when I actually just put my hair in a ponytail as usual. My mom also tried to take me shoe shopping, but I selected the least feminine shoe possible and insisted on getting it because I am not a shoe person at all. I would rather switch between my tennis shoes and boots than anything else.

On another subject, since this post has no theme: Sleeping like a human is hard. Most nights, I end up having an internal dialogue something like this:
-Hey! It's summer and you can stay up all night if you want to!
-No, I have to do stuff tomorrow. It's 2 in the morning.
-NO LET'S NOT. Are you stupid? We're getting up at least as early as 9 tomorrow.
-But internet!
-Is that so? *turns off computer*
-You think you can pull that off? I can stare at nothing all night if I need to!
-Are you serious?
-*staring at lamp*
-Turn it off.
-Yes. Are you really that stupid?
-Hey, look at this!

-Lol, I don't know.
-I am going to sleep now. Stop it.
-*distracting thoughts until I go to sleep*

And then I wake up and decide not to stay up that late again, but end up seeing something funny on the Internet and doing it again.

Let's see, other topics...
Oh yeah. I got Skyrim a couple of days ago (I know, finally, I always take forever with this stuff) with some of the money I didn't spend in New York. I was super excited to play it, considering that everyone to ever play it ever says it's awesome. After waiting for about three hours for it to install, I clicked on it, prepared for epicness, and got an error message. It made me wait another few hours to tell me what its problem was, which turned out to be that my computer is old and needs a new video card. This is not something we have sitting around, nor is it the easiest thing, since nobody in my family is particularly good at technology. So, until the video card is replaced in the distant future (nothing is ever replaced quickly), I have spent sixty dollars on an error message. Isn't that great?
So, because I was promised a new game and not given one, I've been replaying Portal 2. I had forgotten a surprising amount of that game's awesomeness. I do, however, know most of GLaDOS's quotes, the lemon rant (which I yelled at my cat just to see how he would react), and the turret opera on piano (I taught it to myself and have played it so much that I can play it without looking at the keyboard, with my left hand, at a ridiculous tempo, and/or with my other hand playing the inverted version on the other end of the piano, as well as in various different keys). Both Portal games make me feel bad for the companion cubes and turrets, so I have to go hug my stuffed companion cube (they sell those on ThinkGeek, so naturally I got one) and pet my turret flashlight. I'm kind of a geek.

That's about all I have to say. I don't think there will be much other than normal stuff happening until the farm on Saturday, which will of course be fun because my family is cooler than yours.

Peace, lolz.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The weather is being totes for srs uncool right now.

Hello again, humans.

Camp me is officially over, my little cousins have gone home, and my other cousins and I are at the farm where the epic people hang out.
We all spent the past two days at my lakehouse, riding the tube we have named the Death Slab, swimming, and being super awesome. I always laugh inwardly when people talk about their annoying relatives, because I have six cousins (on my mom's side, at least) with whom I get along wonderfully. It might have something to do with us all being weird nerdy kids who all enjoy pretty much the same stuff.
Anyway. Because the Death Slab is different from the Death Pals and is kind of falling apart handles-wise, I have three scraped spots on my arms from where I had to hold on for dear life going around turns. This didn't bother me much, since I can work around it and it doesn't really hurt and I'm not one to pass up a super awesome tube ride because I have a scratch on my arm. But this started mattering when we got on the Death Pals today.

So, because it's really hot here in the south and none of us have good heat or boredom tolerance, three of us (older boy cousin, girl cousin, and me) decided to get in the lake. As soon as boy cousin and I got ready for our turn, it started looking cloudy, but we ignored it and took off down the lake. I fell off the first time we turned because we were going slow and then boy cousin's tube rammed into mine for no apparent reason.
(Breaking the story for a second to say that the power blipped out and then the microwaves told me that they bring good things to life. Yeah, not creepy.)
When I fell off, the tube cover hit one of the wounds from the Death Slab and we had to go get peroxide and band-aids so I wouldn't die. While this was happening, girl cousin took my place and boy cousin fell off about ten times during their turn. Then boy cousin took over driving the boat and girl cousin and I rode. I fell off again because wind and speed and skidded on my back for a ridiculously long time. Shortly afterwards, we saw lightning, girl cousin fell off her tube, and we rode back in because apparently tubing was not destined to happen today.

It just started raining. Just now. The wind is whistling and it is legit thundering every two seconds.

Anyway, I went inside, changed, cleaned my battle wounds, and now I'm on the Internet provided it doesn't die.

On another note, I have two pictures for you today.
My little cousins told me that Loki has bunny ears. I found this amusing, so I drew it. Enjoy, I know you will.

I also found this nice little joke while derping around on Memebase.

Yep, pretty much accurate.

Okay, I'm out of ideas and also might get electrocuted soon, so peace. Go watch some Bad Lip Reading videos and some Walrusguy.
Swords are pretty epic.