Sunday, January 9, 2011

Various News

I bet you people who have to go to school tomorrow are jealous of me! Cause here in the South, we don't need actual snow to get off school for a snow day! And it's convenient, too. I had to get up at 5:30 for a swim meet yesterday. Swimming's fun and all, but getting up that early on a Saturday when I could have just gone to riding at 10 is cruel. The school better be glad they cancelled. Also, my school is having our annual winter musical, where I always try out, always do my best, always show up for practice, and never get a part. This year I'm a backup singer in Annie Get Your Gun, and I have a whopping 2 lines this time. Of course, it beats my past experience-out of all my plays, my 2 lines have been "Oh no, it was Two!" in Alice in Wonderland (5th grade) and "Immediate seating, there is immediate seating!" in Annie (7th grade). Both were summer middle-lower school plays where I should have gotten more of a part, being on the older side of the cast. But those parts were given to others, some of whom were younger, some older, some good for their parts, and some who couldn't read. Not that I think it's unfair or anything.

In other news, I WOULD have 2 new chibis to show you, but my computer is being retarded-it took forever to scan, then it wouldn't let me crop them or fix the coloring. And I don't want to post pictures with washed-out colors, hardly-visible drawings since I can't crop them closer, and the spiral on my sketchbook at the top. So you'll have to wait on those. I also have some pictures of zombies, but they, too, are hand-drawn and the scanner favors no picture. I would try injuring the printer but then I'd have to go get a new one and I don't want to deal with spending the money to buy it and waiting on it to install.

This is kind of a boring post, so I'll give you some pictures to laugh/squeal/barf/scroll away at.

Here we go!

Dear whoever drew this, I LOVE YOU.

HAHAHA, how right you are. (Oh, and can you find Hiei? It took me about 2 seconds and I will be ashamed if you can't see him.[No DBZ? Really? Internet, you give me a sad.])

This is my favorite random anime picture, mainly cause the girl looks a little like me and, while I would not be caught in that skirt, I wouldn't miss a hug.

Ooh, so pretty! Love the detail.

I don't recongnize many of these, but that doesn't stop it from being awesome.

Another cool anime collage. This one has DBZ (look for Goku and Gohan!) but no YYH. Gah, get it right.


Love the Victorian dress!

Ok, I think I've shown you enough random anime for now. Check back later though!

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