Sunday, February 17, 2013

Things, I suppose.

So HeEeEeEy you guys.
How have you been?
Just kidding, you don't have to answer that, this is a blog and I have long since given up on interacting with my sparse readers.

So this is a four-day weekend for me, which is pretty great, and my mother informed me that I was /going/ to go and do social activities and have fun this weekend /or I would never have fun again in my short and miserable little life/.
(Paraphrased slightly.)
Yesterday, in addition to our plans to possibly go to a movie tomorrow or something, my friends and I went to the mall for books and shenanigans. We spent most of our time in Barnes and Noble (no, what, Xenon in a bookstore?) and I made use of my ten dollars left over from something to buy Hamlet and Totally Pink Mad Libs. I'm sure my purchase made total sense to the lady at the register. We also cried inwardly over expensive but beautiful leather journals, found a bunch of stuffed things that were really, really totes adorbz, and read a book about How to Talk to Mom that involved the dark side for some reason. And then we did other stuff, but now I'm just rambling about nothing and I try not to do that but usually fail.

Anyway, we got out of school early on Friday, which almost made this a five-day weekend, and my friend and I went to the barn as can be expected from people who enjoy their ponies as much as we do. Our riding teacher told us to get Rain Man, the stallion, instead of our usual steeds, and we took turns riding him. He was thrilled to have a rider, and, since I was the first one to ride him, I got to sit on him while he pranced around and cantered for way too long. I say "sit" because I actually didn't have to do anything due to his lack of any shred of malice. I asked him to turn a couple of times, and his response was not so much obedience as it was "Oh, you want to turn? That sounds like an awesome idea! I was just thinking about turning! Let's do that! Then everyone can see how awesome we are at turning!"
My impression of him is that he's fairly similar to Jack in that both of them are friendly in a nearly human way, are fond of going fast, and never do anything to hurt their rider, but where Jack takes pride in how mad he can make said rider (durr what is a lead change can I just step on this horse), Rain Man judges himself on how comfortable he can make him/her.

TL;DR: I rode a stallion who is a better gentleman than any other horse I've ridden. Take that, horse stereotypes.

I am still reading Lord of the Rings as well as Homestuck and several awful fanfics. Not to put Homestuck in a category with bad fanfiction, because it's amazing and I recommend it if you have a good memory and are okay with becoming emotionally attached to the many excellent characters, then watching Andrew Hussie take said emotions, pull them out of your brain through your eyes, crush them to death with a broom, and leave them somewhere in the cancerous universe to twitch indefinitely.

Also it's pretty funny.

I've said pretty much everything that isn't entirely mindless babbling (heh I like that word).
Peace. Xenon out.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Xenon Reads Some Books

Hey yo sup humans.
I'm back.
Hope you missed me.

No yeah, you totally did, don't lie.

So lately I've been reading Lord of the Rings because I think I've spent enough time having not read it and I should start having read them. (<-- not grammatically weird at all) I started reading them now because a) my cousins and I watched The Fellowship, which reminded me that it was a thing, and b) I was at Barnes and Noble and there was a stack of LOTR/Hobbit stuff which included the books and they were right in front of me so I got them despite it using up all of my Christmas money.
I do not regret it. They are beautiful books. I want to hug them except hugging books is weird. I'm glad I didn't try them when I was little, since 10-year-old Xenon could not stand any book that was not intense within five pages. And I counted-- Fellowship plot events that do not involve walking a lot begin at page 260. It's still wonderful and I've found a few parts where I really want to turn a particular sequence of words into a person so we can be soulmates. Also I want to go to Middle Earth and I want the things and people and places and everything to be real, I don't even mind Orcs and stuff being real if it means so is everything else.

Wait, wow, I actually said serious things? New talent discovered, you guys!
I need to stop that.
So along with the beautiful experience that is Lord of the Rings, I have some weird jokes and stupid stuff. Among which are:
-Merry and Pimpin' (my family is weird and we couldn't not make the movie about gangsta swag, okay?)
-A couple of lovely works of art, which I might post if I feel like it.
-My dad's comments on my (flawed) explanation of the story: "Has anyone tried giving Orcs therapy?" "Aww, cute little Elves!" *points to a Les Mis poster, featuring one of many grossly underfed characters* "He looks like a Hobbit."
-My actual explanation of the story: "So Bilbo left to go to a place because reasons and then Frodo was all, no wait this is years later, but anyway he goes "k doods I am 'moving' to 'another house' and do you want to 'help' me 'move?'" And the other hobbits are all "YOLO swag let's go" and then later Aragorn goes "K you guys are stupid stop that stop being stupid." And then some other stuff happens."
-My adventures in watching 40 minutes of a 10-hour loop of "They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard," during which I did some homework and melted my brain considerably and still haven't gotten it out of my head.
-Bad fanfiction. Holy frigglesticks. Monstrosities of fanfiction. Why.
-Slamming my hands on the table in shock every time something happens.
-Other stuff I forgot about.

Um okay this is getting to be a really long post.
Pictures, I guess!
These are my LOTR-inspired masterpieces, except for the one that says Texas. That one is a sign I made for my friends' swim meet because I am the best friend (the fact that we don't live in Texas is irrelevant because it's an inside joke or something).