Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Adorable Challenge

I'm gonna try something new today and attempt to keep my mouth shut for this whole post while posting adorable chibis. If you're reading this, do the same and try not to squeal, laugh, fall over, or grin like an idiot. No matter WHAT I dig up.  (Credit goes to whoever drew this. If you see something you drew, tell me.)Okay...


ERROR: We regret to inform you that the poster has completely lost her mind and will not be back until she is caught and her mind is found. Until this time, we advise that you stay indoors for your own safety.


Monday, March 28, 2011

The tree brings rain.

If you stalk my life and not just this blog, you know that I recently became the proud owner of a small Japanese magnolia. These trees are ridiculously pretty and awesome, so I felt I had to have one.
Here's what they look like:
Okay, so maybe I don't have a pond in my yard, but I love the flowers anyway.

On with the story now.
I got the tree on Friday, but we couldn't access th basement until Saturday to get the shovel. When we planted it, the sun was bright and the weather was quite nice. That afternoon, it clouded up and the tornado sirens started going off (and continued for hours). It's no longer raining, but the sun hasn't shown itself since.

Thus, I believe the only logical answer is that the tree is a bringer of rain and cloudy weather. As soon as it takes root, the skies turn gray and rain begins to fall. And this means that it might be an evil tree.



(or in other words, Xenon.)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blogger, you suck.

SO, I was going to give you an epic post today, but I clicked publish and it told me there was an error and to click the back button. I did, and suddenly the whole post was gone! LIKE MAGIC! Being myself, and thus too lazy to retype it, I have no choice but to leave you, my precious reader who I'm watching right now, to wonder what this post would have been. (Hint: awesome.)


Bye! :D

((edit: Blogger, you suck even more! It actually posted the whole thing and told me it didn't! Normally this would count as making up for the previous mistake and everything being ok, but I'm in an evil mood currently so BLOGGERYOU'REGONNADIE. Bye for real now!))

I'm really bad at posting regularly...

So hey guys, I'm back! Assuming I have more blog readers than my 1 follower and my friend who said she read this once. BUT technically that's plural and qualifies for being called 'guys.'
Enough of my rambling and on with the post!
Anyways, I have nothing to show you people unless I think of something at the last second, but I have plenty of uninteresting stories!

I'm currently on spring break, which means it's spring, which means HEY WEATHER IT'S SPRING NOW!! Actually it's been really warm lately until now, and this is frustrating.
DISCLAIMER: No, it's not actually that cold. And it hasn't snowed since the day after Christmas. And I'm being a wimp because it's been so warm lately. And my jacket has taken up hiding whenever I need it so I have to walk around in the cold wearing whatever shirt I had picked out thinking I'd have a jacket.

Oh yeah, I drew a new picture recently-

This is Stella, if you haven't seen my older posts. She normally doesn't wear a ponytail, but it kinda looks cool on her. Whoever she just fought probably regrets challenging her, as Stella is a half-Saiyan, half-demon warrior who rarely shows mercy.

Hey, you know how I have a habit of giving you gift ideas for the next holiday (which happens to be Easter, and not too far away)?
Well here's what I'm expecting now:


Ok, I'm bored with this post now, so anything I say will probably be even more boring than what I've already said. PEACE.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Nerdtastic As Ever

Hetalia has officially finished what Dragon Ball Z and Yu Yu Hakusho started. It has turned me into a complete and insane nerd. To prove this, my friend and I made up a story about the aftereffects of WW1.

Before the end of the war, Austria and Hungary were happily married.
Soon, they had a son named Czech.

Meanwhile, Serbia had a daughter named Slovakia (but Serbia later died).

Shortly after Czech's birth, Austria and Hungary tragically split up after a long marriage,

And Czech and Slovakia married each other.

Sadly, though, the two didn't get along, and split up a while later.

Thus ends the sad story of Czechoslovakia.