Monday, March 28, 2011

The tree brings rain.

If you stalk my life and not just this blog, you know that I recently became the proud owner of a small Japanese magnolia. These trees are ridiculously pretty and awesome, so I felt I had to have one.
Here's what they look like:
Okay, so maybe I don't have a pond in my yard, but I love the flowers anyway.

On with the story now.
I got the tree on Friday, but we couldn't access th basement until Saturday to get the shovel. When we planted it, the sun was bright and the weather was quite nice. That afternoon, it clouded up and the tornado sirens started going off (and continued for hours). It's no longer raining, but the sun hasn't shown itself since.

Thus, I believe the only logical answer is that the tree is a bringer of rain and cloudy weather. As soon as it takes root, the skies turn gray and rain begins to fall. And this means that it might be an evil tree.



(or in other words, Xenon.)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congratulations on your tree. Now all you need to do is get an elf to teach it to speak and you'll be all set with an evil tree minion that can talk. ^^
