Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Update for People who Care

Congratulations! If you're reading this, you're on your way to being awesome (unless you're already awesome enough to have surpassed this or you're so awful that you don't have any hope, that is)! I'm just writing a little post to say that my math and science finals are OVER! *victory dance* Tomorrow is French, which is easy enough. And Friday is Honors Day, where I will be paid every time I go onstage for an award. And there will be plenty. *prizewinning smile*

"But Xenon, your smiles don't win any prizes!" you say. I say, wow, your voice is tiny. Also, I never said the prize wasn't for being terrifying. Not that it is. Or ever will be. *suspicious glare*

....Sooooo, moving on.

I've got a couple of pictures I drew just for you! Firstly, my best friend in the anime world and the object of most of the random pictures I've put on this blog, Hiei:
Much better than the last one, I might add.

Secondly (and lastly)...

Drumroll please...


It's Russia!

In chibi form, and here to listen to you screaming in wonder, adorableness, and terror.

That's all for now, so I'll post (a long time) later!

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