Sunday, May 29, 2011


So hey! School's out! *party* I've already been to the farm (where my cousins and I go to have awesome nerd fun and ride in boats and golf carts) where my cousins and I named a donkey Cave Johnson, walked to the edge of the property (which is a LONG way) to see some ponies, found the entrance to Aperture Science and Chell's house right next to it while riding on the golf cart, sat around a fire slow-roasting marshmallows and singing random songs with people we don't know that my cousin's cousin invited, and rode crazy speeding death traps behind a boat. So far, summer has been pretty awesome. Friday is my birthday, and I'm going to the beach Saturday. I don't even know why I'm telling you this stuff. I guess just to make you jealous because I bet your family gatherings aren't as awesome as mine.

So anyway, I'm almost done with Portal 2 (finally) after much slow testing, several deaths, a tight schedule, and a glitchy computer that didn't want me to pick up or put down cubes. Now I need to get past the DEADLY NEUROTOXIN. I'd probably be done already if it weren't for my short attention span...




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Why did I do that? Good question. I'll leave you to wonder.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Whoa... I didn't mean to put in all those extra r's. Foseriushness. Well, I don't have anything else to say (most posts here tend to end like that, huh?) so I guess I'll stop wasting your time. Unless you want to keep reading. In that case, read this post again. And again. And again. And again. Will you? Of course you will.

See you in the comments (if you feel like commenting, you mean humans who never comment D:),

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