Friday, June 17, 2011

Insert post title here

Yep, it's still summer. I just checked. I got back from the beach last week (which was really fun) and finally finished Portal 2, then replayed it and finished in about a day. Now the summer cross country workouts have begun. I'm just two days in, and I already hate it with every fiber of my being. That's about it for all my news that you probably don't care about, so I'll at least shut up about that.

As you might know if you watch me constantly, I refuse to get my ears pierced. Even if it means passing up some cool stuff and having to choose painful clip-ons should I feel like adorning the hearing implements attached to my skull, I have a problem with getting holes punched through my skin. BUT! I have come up with a deal to satisfy my mother, who wishes I would go ahead and get my ears stabbed and filled with jewelry: if she can find earrings that look like personality cores or dragon balls, I will allow them to be jammed into my earlobes with (hopefully) minimal pain and suffering. Those of you who have already had your skin punctured with a tiny pressure point may say it doesn't hurt that much. I say that I'm more against the idea of a piece of metal being inserted into an artificially-made hole in my ear than I am against the pain of it. But it'll be worth it if I have something geeky to wear as earrings. As a side note, I didn't know there were so many different ways to phrase 'ear piercing.' Huh.

THERE ARE SOME IN EXISTENCE. Now I need to get my hands on them.

*nerdy excitement*
*nerd, nerd, nerd*
*yep, still a nerd*

That's all.

President, Being Alive Club

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