Tuesday, June 28, 2011


No, seriously, that's the post title I'm going with. Know why? Because GRAWRARRGHBLAAARCHHHZZRAWR, that's why.
...Moving on. I saw Super 8 earlier today. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it soon because it's awesome. And if you have seen it, let's say it together: It's AWESOME. Unless you didn't like it, in which case I really don't think this blog is for you as I enjoy a lot of stuff similar to it. In other news, Blogger doesn't want me to post comments. :( I tried to say something for about 5 minutes and had to log in about six times, and it still didn't want me to post it. So if you decide to post a comment here and I never reply, don't worry. It doesn't necessarily mean it was uninteresting. Maybe the computer was just having its daily mental breakdown. (The computer and I have some friendship issues. Nothing too big, but try not to offend it as it's my Internet access and the only one that can handle Portal.) Also, I was under the impression that I was going out of town to the farm, which is  happy funtime, but apparently not. So I had to go run instead. How awesome is that? Very awesome. Perfect. Great. Incredible. Can't complain. Smile-worthy. Spiffy. Awesomesaucempossumflossem. Other synonyms for good.
Was there a point to that chibi Hiei? Not really, unless you count ZOMG ANOTHER ONE! as a point. Every time I think I've found every cute chibi Hiei out there, the internet proves me wrong. Thank you, internet. Thank you so much.

That's all for now. Byez.

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