Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bhjkhbvdawhbjvfeajbhkeavflybj titles are for noobs.

Hello there, my fine reader.


Okay. So I know I haven't posted anything in a while, I'm not sorry, I was doing things that need things and if you can tell me what that was a reference to then you get something or maybe not but probably.
But no, seriously, I had band camp and school and I'm playing school on hard mode for the lolz and therefore have very little free time, most of which I spend drawing and watching anime. Blog posts require at least a little bit of forethought (lol yeah right), so I haven't been able to do many.
But here I am! *epicface*

So, I forget what was going on in my last post, but I'll just start saying things and hopefully it will count as a post. Okay? Okay.

Last weekend was spent not doing much fun because I suddenly found out on Friday about a paper on the Black Death due today. So I did some frantic research and used my *ahem* lovely writing skills to put together something that I hope doesn't sound horrible, and then I did a pile of other homework and watched anime and got some balls to turn into eyes for my DragonCon costume.

So that weekend was considerably less relaxing than I had hoped, but I got it done and got a couple of A's along the way.

Despite having not watched any anime all summer (I know, weird), now that I have little to no free time, I've gotten back into Black Butler. I started up on the season 1 finale, which was all of the sad, and am now watching season 2. It's pretty great so far even though Undertaker, my favorite character, has only been in one episode. I'm also still reading D.Gray-Man and Barnes and Noble still doesn't have the FMA volume I need.

Hm. Other stuff.
Our halftime show is going pretty well. The first game is Friday and we ran through the whole show with general success today. It's really weird to be a section leader (even though I am one of two baritone section leaders and the single tuba player is above both of us as well as the trumpets and French horn), and the younger people are actually doing really well. Some of them are pretty strange, but usually in a funny way, which makes it okay. Our music is fun and I am playing first, which is weird even though I'm not the only one and I played first last year too (my section leader had his own special music).

Tonight was my school's open house, and one of my teachers apparently complimented my work ethic. It was pretty funny, considering that my strategy so far has been to derp around writing notes in between doodles and then read over them a couple of days before the test. But the teachers usually let me do my own thing after suddenly calling on me once and accepting that I was, in fact, listening. And that is awesome.

I have run out of thoughts to write.

It's late and I don't feel like posting pictures, so maybe I'll do that whenever next time is.

Toodles, doodles and raging infernos.

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