Monday, August 6, 2012

Band camp!

Hey there doodz.

So I started band camp last week. If you've never had the pleasure, imagine standing in front of an open fire screaming into an infant's face and dancing continuously for several minutes. And you have to be on key and holding the infant at the correct angle and not screwing up the dance because otherwise you're wrong and nobody likes you anymore. And you could possibly get crushed by a tuba.

Since there are some new rules about summer practices this year, morning band camp starts and ends an hour early. Which is nice, since it's not as hot and there's a longer break, but it also means that I have to get up at 6:30 every morning this week. I am not a morning person. Or really an anything person if it involves me waking up against my will.
So here's how my morning went:
When my alarm went off, I stared angrily at it while it beeped at me (and probably threw terrible insults at me in its language). When I got tired of it, I picked it up, slammed the off button, but it back on the table, and turned on the lamp so as not to go back to sleep. Then I curled into a ball of sad and frowned at the lamp until I could keep my eyes open long enough to get up. I got ready as slowly as possible and ate breakfast and got in the car, and I still wasn't fully conscious when we got to school.

And then it was raining and it wasn't really hot, and I'm in a quintet that stands in the front and doesn't move for a while, so we all chilled while everyone else learned a complicated move.

Let's see. Other stuff.
After riding on Saturday (Jack was being craycray as usual), my friend and I found a kitten. He was really nice, so we started petting him, and he shook his head several times and his ears made cute flapping noises.
So, naturally, we named him Flappyhead.
He turned out to already have a name, which I forget, but he will always be Flappyhead to me.

Oh, the pictures that wouldn't show up in my last post finally arrived. All four copies of each.
So here they are.

This is my cousins' dog, Susie Taco Anna May. I decided to draw from a photo and this was the only good one I had.

I found another decent picture of me with Jack at a show this year. My face ended up a little bit weird looking, but it kind of looks like a face.

Finally (this one is my favorite), a picture of Loki. I chose this picture without any thought to how SERIOUSLY FRIGGLESTICKING HARD it would be to draw. My hand was shaking by the time I finished it. But hey, Loki.
Yes, I find Loki enjoyable. What of it?

That's all, continue whatever you were doing before you started reading this.

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