Monday, November 19, 2012

Horse shows, Thanksgiving, and Other Things

Hey guys. Does anyone still read this now that I never post? I'm still not sorry. Just lazy. Heh. So while I was gone, I marched in a band, went to an honor band where I was third trombone out of five (not bad considering my sight reading was horrendous), got an A on a test in my super fun Precal class and received pizza as a reward, got to gallop on my noble jerkface steed, Jack, handed out candy to one group of trick-or-treaters, played vidyagaimz, and went to a horse show. So now I will tell you about the interesting(?) things in my brain. -------The honor band was fun, given that the people from my band who went were some of the least sane out of the band of zero sane people. We bothered each other, repeatedly insisted to our band director that we had gone insane and cannibalized each other because we couldn't find a restaurant, screamed at the bus, walked around in classy concert clothes, and played really fast songs. -------At a riding lesson a few weeks ago, my teacher told my friend and me that we had been working hard and to go out in the pasture and ride around. We galloped. It was like Robot Unicorn Attack but with trees instead of stars and landforms and there was no catchy Erasure soundtrack. So in other words, VERY FUN. -------On Halloween, I went to Shadow (of Shadow's Statements)'s house to play Zombies. Being the game-deprived child I am, I had never played it before and kind of died a lot, but I killed some zawmbehs and it was enjoyable. -------This weekend, I went to a horse show with Jack. It was incredibly cold and my friends and I had to take shelter in the restaurant on the grounds for over an hour because it was too cold to exist and we only had jackets to keep up warm. When the classes started, I got to present the flag because honey Jack don't care. It went well until Jack randomly exited the gate and wouldn't listen to my spur and I only had one rein so he wouldnt't listen to that either. At least he didn't spook. Then I went right back into the ring for my class, which went fairly well aside from Jack's reluctance to tuck his head and the necessity for one flying lead change (where the stretching foot at the canter was wrong and I had to push his back end sideways to get him to change it). The second class was less smooth because Jack and I were both tired. He took off on the wrong lead during one canter and didn't feel like changing it, and my legs were tired from our long cantering session between the classes, which prevented me from punching him with the spur hard enough to get a change out of him. Ironically, I placed better in this class than the one before it, mostly because there were no fancy Saddlebreds in this class. Regardless, my riding teacher told me I had ridden well and that Jack was being stupid as he tends to do. The next day, we rode again and placed fifth out of eight because Jack decided to be nicer and I was less tired, but the judges really hate Jack or me for some reason. Between the classes, the other riders and I talked about stupid things, bothered Shadow via text with a continuous string of random close-up pictures of stuff in the barn. I also ate mac and cheese with bacon in it. -------I also started reading Homestuck and I recommend it because it's pretty glorious. So that's what I've been doing. Thanksgiving is coming up, which means it's time for the Christmas decorations to come out. Some people I know dislike family gatherings because their families are crazy in the bad way or boring or whatever. I consider myself pretty lucky, since I have several cousins close enough to my age to get along with and nerdy enough to like. So while some families are sitting awkwardly around the table wishing they could do something else, I'll be singing Jonathan Coulton songs and discussing anime with my family. HA-HA. In other news, I got a new drawing app called Procreate, which has a funny name but is a really good app. Assuming my email thing works, I'll show you people some of my drawings. Okay, it works, but I'm lazy and I'll only post one.

This is the drawing of Xerra I did to test it out. I repeat: to test it out. This app is pretty good, I think. If you really want to see my other drawings, I am horseysaiyan on Instagram and Deviantart. I love you guys. Just kidding. I don't know who a lot of you are. Until I stop being lazy again, I bid you farewell. -Xenon

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