Saturday, December 15, 2012

Xenon Status Update: I am still not dead.

So hey. Sup. I keep forgetting to post on this thing because I either don't have time or forget I have this blog. Also, I'm sorry about the text walls in my past few posts, as my iPad and/or the new Blogger update seems to enjoy deleting the spaces every time I press Enter and I don't know/am too lazy to figure out how to fix that. So I'll just add spaces in an awkward manner. - --------- So hey, it's finals week! The time when an entire semester of work can be completely or partially negated by one unfortunate test! Or it is for me, at least. Woohoo, I love tests. Especially the math kind given by a teacher who is generally terrifying and teaches a frigglesticking hard class. At least that one's over. Due to my school being strange, our exams were split over half of two weeks, so I've had two days of exams and am looking forward to two more. Fun. But after, that, Christmas and Santa Hiei! (If you have no idea what Santa Hiei is supposed to mean, it's from a picture that I posted a couple of Christmases ago that was of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho dressed in a Santa outfit.) - ----------- So if you're wondering what I've been up to while I neglected this little bit of Internet that I claim as my own, basically it's more of the same. Anime. Manga. Barnes and Noble hates me. Homestuck (which I recommend if you are not easily confused). Drawing (posting pictures is hard, so I might do it another day, but in the meantime I post most of my drawings on Instagram @horseysaiyan). Eating. Attempting to write a book even though realistic characters are hard. Not being good for anything. Riding Jack, my super awesome and slightly devious (understatement) steed. Playing my trombone and burrutone (my preferred misspelling of 'baritone'). Taking pictures of my pets. And occasionally sleeping. So that's my boring life. - ------------My cousins and I made up a song. Here, listen to it in your mind while I supply the lyrics. --Dashing through the hood / in my super pimp-mobile / this would be real good / if I stole some wheels / I got up in the sto' / I had him at gunpoint / It was Home Depot / And then I smoked a joint / I got out with the wheels / And put them on my car / And then I made some deals / And then I balled real hard / Oh, YOLO swag, YOLO swag, YOLO swag all day / YOLO swag, YOLO swag, YOLO swag, hooray. --------- Sung as ironically as possible, since we are good citizens and do not steal, smoke joints, hold innocent people at gunpoint, or say "YOLO" or "swag." Please do not take this as an example for how to live your life, or at least do not tell the police that Xenon said it was okay. I don't like facing consequences for my non-actions. - --------- Okay bros. That's pretty much all I can think of to write. If you want, go check out my little (now medium-sized) cousin's new blog, Life and Things 101. I'm sure she'd appreciate it. -- - 1873:92873)20274);39;)3147473@()-,3$439!.9.2492488,7?3.:2&:29-',lxscoiaalsnkerjvluscious -Xenon

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