Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jack and his shenanigans.

So hey, human mortals. Sup.

It's break! Finals are done! SANTA HIEI! Also apocalypse.

On a note relevant to the title and somewhat less awesome, my noble steed, Jack, is confined to his stall with a bandaged leg because he ran into a tree branch lying on the ground. When I went to the barn on Tuesday after finishing my last exam (my finals week was split up for some reason), I found him standing in the pasture, not putting weight on his leg. Leading him to the barn was difficult, since he was extremely hesitant to step on it, though that got a little better as he walked. My riding teacher looked at him and found three puncture wounds on his fetlock (last joint before his hoof). I spent the day hosing his leg, and my riding teacher cleaned and bandaged it and left him in a stall all afternoon before moving him to his normal barn.

With all of this, I will just say that I was not expecting him to be fine the next day.
But he pretty much was.
Apparently, he was extremely upset yesterday morning when everyone got to go into the pasture but him. When I came to visit him after my lesson (the horse's name was Junior and he was bouncy and I will apparently be riding him more now), he was pacing around his stall like normal. I got to walk him around the barn, and he might have shown signs of favoring his leg once or twice, if that. When I got back into the barn, he attempted to steal the entire jar of peppermints and then tried to follow my riding teacher into the tack room. He really didn't want to go back into his stall, so it required someone standing ready to close the door as soon as I had led him inside, then I had to push him back so I would be able to leave without being crushed by a half-ton of frantic horse.
So I think he's alright.

That's about all I have to say on the matter. Have some pictures.
(Blogger won't let me put text between them, so the first two are Jack and the last one is from my Homestuck Sims, where everyone is acting in character.)

Farewell, dear stalkers.

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