Saturday, December 22, 2012

Xenon the Zombie-Killing Machine.

Hello lovely human mortals!
Apologies in advance for typos and/or sloppy writing. I'm kind of ridiculously tired but I thought today deserved a post.

In honor of the apocalypse, my friend hosted a game of Humans vs. Zombies today. If yo've never heard of this glorious sport, the basic idea is this:
There's a mission
Humans do the mission
Original zombie tags humans
Humans turn into zombies if tagged
Zombies go to a respawn point if shot
There are also special zombies and requirements for a mission, and it lasts for hours and sometimes days.

So yeah. Pretty intense.
As soon as everyone was registered, we all tested our Nerf guns (I got mine today and, despite not having used them much due to being an only child, didn't suck too bad at it.) and divided into groups. One of the people I didn't know before today called me Zebra all day because of the hat I was wearing, and we would meet up every so often and be all "OMG u r still alive!!!!1!!!!111" Surprisingly, said hat did not cause my downfall.
The first round was supposed to involve scientists and puzzles, but ended up being "everyone try not to die." Each group had a walkie-talkie, which was supposed to be used to communicate between human groups but ended up being a game-wide noise and trolling machine. The few things I heard from ours included "Your mom's a quarantine," "Help I am on the porch out of ammo and I need help (also I am not a zombie at all)," and "BEEEP BEEP BOOP CAW CAW CAW." So we kept our volume down.
At first, we tried to protect one of the "scientists," who was putting together a puzzle, but then zombies started finding us and we all ran. Most of the remainder of the round involved sitting in the woods and running when we heard someone. We ended up being one of two surviving groups, and I think we as a whole fired about three darts.

The second round was after lunch, and its objective was to capture a zombie and keep it in the shed for ten minutes while the zombies ambushed us. Miraculously, I also survived that without needing to shoot anyone. The rest of that round involved running around a lot and me being the last girl alive. Granted, boys were the majority, but still.

The third round was something about moving a trash can along a path lined with respawn points. It involved hiding and running a lot, and I ended up zombified because my group started running and I am awful at running. Two zombies cornered me, I shot them both, there was a respawn right next to me, I surrendered and joined the other side. Then we all sat around and then started over because it got boring.

The last round was by far the most fun. The objective was to survive, and my friend and I started the round sitting in the woods not caring enough to play. We watched the zombies running around in front of us, but it took forever for them to find us. When they did, they chased us with a Hydra (several zombies connected by a rope that are invincible unless you hit the center one) and we ran to the thickest woods we could find just to spite them. After a few minutes of uneventful walking, we found a gully and decided to hide there. Soon afterwards, a group of zombies walked by and did not even notice us at all, and then a rabbit ran out of the gully right after they passed.
We were so stealthy that we did not even disturb a friggin' rabbit.
Later, the zombies came back and surrounded the gully because they saw two of us and then another guy ran out to distract them. They surrounded us and I was pretty much ready to become a zombie, but then I shot one of them and my friend charged out of his hiding place (which they hadn't seen yet) and they all left to make a Hydra, so we ran. We made it to a creek before they caught up and one of my friends fell and got tagged (leaving me as the last girl again), and we ran some more and some of my group members took out a Hydra by shooting it a lot and then we walked around and found some people who had been separated and then we walked some more and then we were the last humans so we claimed our victory.

And then everyone went home and I had to ride with my friend because my parents thought it would last several hours longer and didn't pick up the phone.

And so ends the story of my thrilling adventure fighting and being zombies. You should choose me as your apocalypse buddy.


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