Monday, September 26, 2011

My shirt is a Jupiter.

So doods. I was at a band competition on Saturday, where our band was about the second or third smallest one there. We did our show (The Planets, hence the Jupiter shirt), marched off the field, tried not to die of heat exhaustion, and got all depressed because we were convinced that we sucked. The performance was something of a disaster, even compared to a few of our weaker halftimes. But the judges thought differently and gave us all superior ratings and eight (I think) trophies. AND we were the best band in our class, and lost to the huge impressive bands with around 300 people by just a few points. Success? Yes. Yes it was. We then rode the bus back home, got there around 2 AM, and slept as late as we possibly could. Especially me, as I got up at 7:30 for riding. Then there was play practice on Sunday, and I was almost late because I was still waking up.

Speaking of the play, this one is quite entertaining. If you've ever heard of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged, that's what we're doing. Somewhat shortened and edited for an ensemble instead of three people, but yes. And I get to be Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet, which is awesome as it involves a swordfight, much screaming, and a dramatic death scene. Fun fun fun fun funfunfunfunfun.

Is there anything else to say? No, no there isn't. Has that ever stopped me from talking before? Nope. Lately I've been working on adorable/creepy characters that look like skinny doughboys with shiny eyes that are really far apart, and can now pose them, give them outfits, and draw other characters like them. I also have several really insane drawings in my headache machine notebook (optical illusion, muahahaha) that I would post here in my normal habit of bragging about how great my art is, but I haven't scanned them and they're small and the scanner would probably make them look weird since they're in pencil and wow this sentence is really long, and I'm still ridiculously tired from Saturday (in case you forgot, it was the band competition of epicness), and I'm not stopping this sentence until I can fit in one more mini-sentence in, and now I've done that so I think I'll finally add end punctuation! Exclamation point!

Point being, I like chocolate.
Du riechst wie ein Fischermann,

Saturday, September 10, 2011


YES YOU. YOU WITH THE FACE AND THE HAIR AND THE CLOTHES. (if there are any faceless, hairless, and/or clothesless people reading this, I apologize. Also, you Facelesses and Clotheslesses, please stop freaking me out.) COME HERE AND READ THIS POST. IT'S GOOD




Soooo, now that I (probably) have your attention, I'm going to tell you of some of my amazing DragonCon experiences.
Firstly, the costumes were awesome and sometimes slightly scary. I met some people with a color-changing portal gun, the girl who built the Wheatley puppet, a lady dressed as a hat, someone dressed as Link who never once broke character, several of Chell, a few My Little Ponies, some realistic zombies, a few elaborate but unidentifiable costumes, some apes, someone wearing a bumper sticker for a top (which was deeply disturbing), more than a few amazing shirts that made me very jealous, some guys from various anime, especially Goku (I saw about 5 of him). There were also some people in huge cardboard Minecraft costumes, several countries (America, Prussia, Switzerland, Chibitalia, and Canada) and a ridikkulus (hehe magic joke) number of Harry Potter people.
I met a bunch of cool people, mainly nerdy artists and stuff, including the Artix Entertainment people who made DragonFable and are partially responsible for my geekiness. I was recognized as GLaDOS, mainly because of my nametag and personality core necklace and the fact that I was walking around with Chell (my cousin), and I got a ton of pictures with various people. I also bought a wooden katana from a place where they were actually selling real swords, daggers, and other cool weapons, three shirts (lemon grenades, all your brains, and Piccolo), and acquired a small collection of buttons to go on my Bag of Holding. Sadly, I didn't find anyone dressed as Hiei, Vegeta, or Russia, otherwise I would have about a billion more pictures.
(Reading through this, I've noticed far too many parentheses...)

Anyway, this is getting to be a bit long so I think I'll leave the rest for later.
If you were too lazy to read that, this should sum it up for you:


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bwomp blap boop. Low brass.

I'm (temporarily) back from the void of laziness and limited free time that stole me recently! Let us rejoice!

Why have I returned to this blog, you ask? *ignoring yells of the NOBODY CARES variety* Because, dear stalkers, I will be venturing to a magical world of awesome tomorrow. That world is a haven for nerds such as myself with my mostly-done cheap GLaDOS costume, known as...

DRAGONCON! *dances* *can't dance* *stands still instead*

Yes, stalkers, I'm going to DragonCon and DragonCon is where I'm going. If you're there and you find a sketchy brown-haired kid in a lab coat holding a companion cube, it might just be me. How awesome am I? Very awesome.

That's about it, except for this one thing:
Here's the Morality Core as a human. Android, actually. And now that's everything.

Team neutrality,