Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Want to kill a few minutes?

Cool, you're already doing it. Great job. Actually, I don't think that requires praise now that I think about it. ANYWAY, I was looking back at some older posts here to refresh my memory on what I've said, and I found a picture of chibi Hiei in a gift box. You know how I always tell you to buy me stuff? Know what my next gift idea is?

Yep. A baby chinchilla. That would be pretty adorable, but if anyone can somehow make Hiei a real person and then send him to me, that would be awesome. Really, really awesome. Like, worth me giving you real money and being your BFF and possibly never bothering you again, if you're really good. I realize that most of the stuff I want that I post here is actually attainable, or at least tangible, and I know that Hiei is an anime character and I cannot have him because I live in the real world where people are not made of lines and there are no demons attacking the human world (as far as we know) and there are no quiet, violent guys with spiky hair and third eyes walking around, and I know that I'm a human (still being debated, actually) and would not know him even if he was real, but allow me to present my side of the story: CHIBI HIEI. IN A GIFT BOX. NNNOOOOOOOOWWWW.

Okay, that's about it.
Wasting your time since you started reading this.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


No, seriously, that's the post title I'm going with. Know why? Because GRAWRARRGHBLAAARCHHHZZRAWR, that's why.
...Moving on. I saw Super 8 earlier today. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it soon because it's awesome. And if you have seen it, let's say it together: It's AWESOME. Unless you didn't like it, in which case I really don't think this blog is for you as I enjoy a lot of stuff similar to it. In other news, Blogger doesn't want me to post comments. :( I tried to say something for about 5 minutes and had to log in about six times, and it still didn't want me to post it. So if you decide to post a comment here and I never reply, don't worry. It doesn't necessarily mean it was uninteresting. Maybe the computer was just having its daily mental breakdown. (The computer and I have some friendship issues. Nothing too big, but try not to offend it as it's my Internet access and the only one that can handle Portal.) Also, I was under the impression that I was going out of town to the farm, which is  happy funtime, but apparently not. So I had to go run instead. How awesome is that? Very awesome. Perfect. Great. Incredible. Can't complain. Smile-worthy. Spiffy. Awesomesaucempossumflossem. Other synonyms for good.
Was there a point to that chibi Hiei? Not really, unless you count ZOMG ANOTHER ONE! as a point. Every time I think I've found every cute chibi Hiei out there, the internet proves me wrong. Thank you, internet. Thank you so much.

That's all for now. Byez.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Well then.

So I'm here, and for some reason I'm already dressed for a party tonight even though it's just 3:03 (rounding the time is for losers). I rode ponies today and didn't do much else. Hm... I was at my grandma's house a couple of days ago with my little cousins, Stephanie and Jennifer. They're adorable, but it gets tiring since they need to be playing something all the time, and Jennifer is a huge Justin Bieber fan. One word: Gross. I'm still working on getting Baby out of my head and keeping it gone. If I reminded you about that song and now it's stuck in your head... *snicker* you're welcome. And I'm sorry for the pain you must be in. On that subject, the little girls have made a plan to make me like Justine (that's not a typo): They will convince me to go to a concert, where he will pick me out of the crowd and break up with his girlfriend, then we'll get married and Stephanie will be able to like him without being judged.
And they seem to think that this is a foolproof plan and I'll cooperate with it.

While I was visiting, we went to my grandma's friend's house and saw an adorable miniature mare and foal, plus a little stallion named Hans. Mo, the foal, was adorable. He kept trying to eat our clothes, and he would run around the pasture every few seconds. There were also several goats who ate out of our hands and a big dog. This should be my house, as I am a surprisingly country person despite my computer addiction and house on the busiest street in the city.

So yeah, that's about all I have to say except that I'd like some cake, thanks.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Insert post title here

Yep, it's still summer. I just checked. I got back from the beach last week (which was really fun) and finally finished Portal 2, then replayed it and finished in about a day. Now the summer cross country workouts have begun. I'm just two days in, and I already hate it with every fiber of my being. That's about it for all my news that you probably don't care about, so I'll at least shut up about that.

As you might know if you watch me constantly, I refuse to get my ears pierced. Even if it means passing up some cool stuff and having to choose painful clip-ons should I feel like adorning the hearing implements attached to my skull, I have a problem with getting holes punched through my skin. BUT! I have come up with a deal to satisfy my mother, who wishes I would go ahead and get my ears stabbed and filled with jewelry: if she can find earrings that look like personality cores or dragon balls, I will allow them to be jammed into my earlobes with (hopefully) minimal pain and suffering. Those of you who have already had your skin punctured with a tiny pressure point may say it doesn't hurt that much. I say that I'm more against the idea of a piece of metal being inserted into an artificially-made hole in my ear than I am against the pain of it. But it'll be worth it if I have something geeky to wear as earrings. As a side note, I didn't know there were so many different ways to phrase 'ear piercing.' Huh.

THERE ARE SOME IN EXISTENCE. Now I need to get my hands on them.

*nerdy excitement*
*nerd, nerd, nerd*
*yep, still a nerd*

That's all.

President, Being Alive Club