Thursday, April 21, 2011


It's 10:25 PM right now, guys. I just got back from my last middle school dance ever, and my feet hurt a lot and my face is covered in makeup and my hair is all... *shudder* ACTUALLY FIXED, so I'm pretty glad to be home finally. Hopefully the dances next year will be more fun.

Aside from this whole dressing up and looking nice crap, today was pretty awesome. We had field day today, where I was on Red Team 2 and did cool stuff like hurl those foam splash bomb things at people, pull a tractor across the field, win tug-o-war in approximately 2 seconds, jump up the ladder on the obstacle course because the rope was on the wrong side, carry someone on my back while wearing a sight-impairing horse mask, and crash to the ground after spinning around a bat 10 times, causing my friend on the other team to crack up. We then had a water balloon and flour fight, where I only got hit by one balloon (but a ton of flour). It. Was. Awesome. After that, I went to the store for easter candy and ABSOLUTELY DID NOT AT ALL get a certain game that I won't mention because, as I said, I definitely didn't, nor will I ever, get it. Especially not for Easter. *cough*portaltwo*cough*

I have one more random story, then I'll let you go. One of my mom's old students gave her two turtles-one with red ears (or where their ears would be if you could see them), and one with yellow/green ears. My mom doesn't like them because they stink and require a ton of maintenance, but I think they're pretty cool. Every time someone walks through the room where their tank is, they swim up to the side of the tank and try to swim through the wall like a video game. I named the red one Bardock because it looks like he's wearing a red headband, like this:
And the yellow one is Gamera:
He's the protector of children!
That reminded me of the whole reason I know Gamera exists (yep, I lied about the 'one more' thing). One time, my cousins brought an old Japanese monster movie complete with a terrible English dub to the farm (the place where we go because we live really far away from each other). It was about these kids who found a spaceship that took them to another planet where there were ridiculously advanced aliens who wanted to eat their brains. Then a monster came out and smashed some stuff, then Gamera showed up and fought the monster, and then the kids got out and Gamera flew them home while spinning wildly and shooting fire out of his legs. And they all lived happily ever after, or something. The main parts my cousins and I enjoyed were:
1. The way the kids pronounced Gamera. "GA-MA-RAAAAA!"
2. The kid counting down in the spaceship and not moving his mouth from four down.
3. Dubbing it ourselves and making it about some kids who go looking for their fruitcake but find a spaceship instead.
4. Gamera apparently has blue watery blood and a hollow interior.
5. The roar/screech/yell noise that all the monsters made.

That's about all for now.

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