Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bored on a Saturday

So yeah, it's Saturday evening and I'm sitting in my room (which is actually my dad's office since he can't find the time to work on my real room) on the computer not doing anything except writing this post, which people may or may not read ever. Today consisted of going to riding, where my horse decided to be awesome and actually do what I asked him to do for once, then going to the store for about 3 hours. Walmart was out of pocky, which made me very sad.

In other news, there's another special about the royal wedding on TV right now. There are probably a lot of 5-year-old girls either watching it happily or screaming because they're not the princess. I would say more, but I don't have any other comment on this (that's a first).

I got Portal 2 for Easter, and it's pretty awesome. :D It's kinda hard in parts, but I can usually figure it out within a few minutes. You know, cause I'm a genius and stuff. GLaDOS keeps calling me fat. :( ))) <-fatsadface.
That reminds me, for my last birthday I had a chocolate cake that looked just like the one in Portal. It was delicious, and not a lie. For me, at least. You don't get any. *smiles*
Buy me these.

This too.

You know what? If someone went through my blog and bought me everything I've ever asked for, they'd probably be broke and really tired from finding it all. But it would be so cool if they did and I'd love them forever. *cough cough*

Well, I'm kind of blabbering senselessly now, but when am I not? That's what blogs are for, right? Hahaha... yes they are. OH HEY GUESS WHAT!? THE POOL OPENS NEXT WEEK! *happy dance* Finally! Also, there's just 4 more weeks until school's out! But one of those weeks is for finals... *moment ruined* Finals are these nice little tests where you get the chance to destroy your whole grade in one day! Yaaaaaaay!

...I'm bored now. Go on with your lives, minions. I'm gonna do something else.

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