Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bears are anti-column.

The title is actually relevant to something today! There's this house in the country that I visit sometimes, and there's a huge bear who seems to enjoy taking out chunks of the columns with his claws. He hasn't been seen in person yet, but he doesn't seem to like the house much.

Moving on to something entirely irrelevant...
Remember yesterday when I said I'd show you some pictures I have? I remembered!
This is a random drawing I did of a horse. It was the first one I've done in a while, so it turned out better than I thought it would.

And here's another horse on the beach. I didn't add color because I thought it might ruin it.

Last one for my more realistic pictures. This is my dog, Bootle. It took a while to draw her because she kept moving and I had to get all the details.

This is Russia. I drew him in art class when we were watching a movie and I didn't feel like coloring him.

Stella (a character I made up-look at my older posts) standing on Hiei's head. Hiei is hopelessly confused.

Last one! This is the best Hiei I've ever drawn. He turned out way better than I expected, since I have a ridiculous amount of trouble making the guys I draw look male. Also, his hair is complicated. Point being, I definitely did not begin this picture expecting anything but a terrible picture to hide in my sketchbook and forget.

Now that I'm done bragging about my art, I don't really have much else to say. So I'll type some gibberish. KJhgouawhgu;GUDAIKGAUILGFYIGJHGU!! LIUWSGIFGWYILFGSJFLGWU! ILUFGIUSGFUSHF:udykuilsughilughgL:U:GHDSUAITJLJGJHZK&ISFG(S&876g87TGG&*S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is a rectangular oval. Eat it slowly.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chinchillas with Bazookas

Firstly, that is TOTALLY gonna be the name of my rock band, if I ever have one. Secondly, WILL IT STOP BEING SO HOT!?! I am burning. Slow-roasting, actually. I had to wake up at 7 this morning for cross country pictures, and it was already burning by 8:30. My dog is already inside (she usually stays out until around dinner) because it's so hot that she might overheat. WINTER. I'M SORRY I EVER DOUBTED YOU. PLEASE COME BAAAACKbutdon'tfreezeusallk?

In other news not relating to the heat, I'm getting something else from ThinkGeek as soon as it ships. I'm not telling you what it is, but I might give you a picture of it when it's here. For now, suffice it to say that I think it's awesome and I'm extremely excited about it. And that means that it must be cool, so keep reading my blog every day to hear what it is. And then continue reading it. (SHAMELESSADVERTISINGSAYWHAT!) Also, I plan on posting later today (or tomorrow) with some new pictures. If you share my Hiei obsession, good news! There's two of him. As well as some horses and my dog. So check back soon.

Diabolically Yours,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Leik ZOMG.

So yeah, I know most crazy people would have written "liek" if they wanted to talk funny, but the spelling part of my brain is, apparently, German. In other words, ei is pronounced eye, and ie is like ee. This is why I always get mildly confused when writing ceiling, as it goes against that rule. I did not mean to say leak or leek, so I wrote leik, which is pronounced like like (or leyek, if you feel like quoting me). Now that my exceedingly boring description of how I spell stuff is over, on with the rest of the post!

Heh. I've always thought this was funny.

Does anyone play Howrse? It's a pretty cool game for horse people, though it can get annoying at times. You have the elite breeders that nobody can catch, the new players who want your best horses for ridiculously low prices (I rarely have that problem since my horses are far from elite), and the extreme abundance of rules (Less than 10 characters? Too many smileys :D, CAPS LOCK, or tooooo maaaaannyyyyy oooooofffff ttttthhhhheee saaaaammmeeee lllleeetttteeeerrrrr???? Did you put anything more offensive than 'stupid' in your post? Did you put a player's name in your post? Is there an outside link? NO SIR, YOU'RE NOT POSTING THAT). But overall, fun game. And there's no rule against giving your horses ridiculously nerdy names. If you do have an account, my name is Barbaruffian. Come visit.

And for my last picture, since I'm too lazy to go and find more, here's a bunch of DBZ characters! *Bulma dies* One less. How "sad."

Lastly, today was full of swordfighting in band, heat, a power outage that lasted 4 hours, heat, Italian food, and heat. Also, it's hot.

Au revoir!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


HEY GAIZ GUESS WHAT!?! MAI PHONE BE HAUNTED. *switching to normal speech mode* It keeps not ringing and then the person who called usually hangs up immediately. It's an old phone without caller ID (the other phone used to, but it died), so I always wonder who was calling. Sometimes I even pick up the phone and nobody's there. Do we have a stalker? Wrong number? Nervous peep? Caller keeps forgetting (s)he's mute? WHAT IS THIS!? *derp*


Remember me mentioning DragonFable? It is now chibified.

That's everything, I think. OH WAIT!

NOW that's everything.
Fare thee well.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Floo Powder Power!

Firstly, did you get that reference? ...Or my text? Well you didn't text me back...
To all of you poor, confused Muggles, go look up A Very Potter Musical and come back full of awesomeness.

Huh. I seem to have very little to say today. I'll remedy that by saying pointless stuff until you get bored and leave.
Why? Why is this adorable? I think Cell's gonna murder all of us...

:3 You know I had to.

Okay, enough with the pictures. I think that's plenty. *totally doesn't think that*
So, in other news, I got a letter jacket for band today. :D It was the first day of band camp, and our music this year is really fun. There is that one part that is complete murder (involving an uber-high note that I never play in anything else, and that I'm expected to play quickly here). Also, uber is German for over. People should stop using it to mean very. It also has an umlaut, but I'm too lazy to hunt for anything passable as an umlaut right now. (That's the two dots over the u, for you people who don't know accents.)

?level rewop sih yas retuocs eht seod tahW !ategeV

!!DNAAAAASUOHT enin revo s'tI

Yeah... that's about it.
Auf wiedersehen.

Gems from Fourth Grade

Looking back, I'm pretty sure 4th grade was the beginning of my awesomeness. I have a notebook full of stuff I drew/wrote then, and I feel like sharing some stuff with you. I was, of course, an amateur awesome person back then, so don't judge. Don't steal anything or I'll personally come to your house and assault you with weapons made of salt (just for the lolz).
Here's something resembling a poem:

Hello! My name is Fred
because I'm dead
in the head.
When I slept in my bed,
a guy named Ned
came out and said,
"I am Ned
of the kingdom of Bedhead.
I live under your bed
and my city is all dead."
I said, "I don't care about your dead
city under my bed.
I'll move the bed,
and light on your city will shed."
Ned said, "No! I'll get rid of my dead
city under your bed!"
So I picked up Ned and threw him off the roof.

Here's a list of the stuff I'd need for a school trip:

Portable CD player
Handheld hangman
*Several lines of scribbles. One looks like it used to say baloney.*
Espanol Chicken identity

Later on, using the journal in 6th grade...

Here's some kind of song that my friend and I wrote:

A rug
A rug
A rug
It's on
And I can see
A flea
It's looking straight at me
And I think
That it
Will kill me in my sleep
So I get
My light saber out
And try to hit it
But I miss
Every time
So I try
To eat it
But it tastes
So crappin' bad
That I spit
It out
TheeeeeeeeeEEeeeEE end.

And then there's a picture of a terrifying person that my cousin drew with swirly glasses and earrings that says "I don't like pickled mayonnaise! Or mayonnaised pickles."

And here's the last one. I wrote it on the band bus because I was bored.

I met a guy named Nat.
He told me I was fat.
I met a man named Larry
Who said my face was hairy.
I was feeling rather sad,
Till I saw a guy named Tad.
He said that I looked bad.
Then he called his friend Willy,
Who said that I looked silly.
And then I said, "Oh really?
I'll call my best friend Billy."
Well, to call Billy sure was silly,
Since he said my dress was too frilly.
Then I saw a dude named Paul.
He suggested that I crawl
Into a hole in the wall.
Well, I turned to Mr. Moore
When I met him in the store.
He turned and said, "Whoa Nelly!
Your feet are really smelly."
Okay, I get it.
I'm beautiful.
Now shut up.

The end.