Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bears are anti-column.

The title is actually relevant to something today! There's this house in the country that I visit sometimes, and there's a huge bear who seems to enjoy taking out chunks of the columns with his claws. He hasn't been seen in person yet, but he doesn't seem to like the house much.

Moving on to something entirely irrelevant...
Remember yesterday when I said I'd show you some pictures I have? I remembered!
This is a random drawing I did of a horse. It was the first one I've done in a while, so it turned out better than I thought it would.

And here's another horse on the beach. I didn't add color because I thought it might ruin it.

Last one for my more realistic pictures. This is my dog, Bootle. It took a while to draw her because she kept moving and I had to get all the details.

This is Russia. I drew him in art class when we were watching a movie and I didn't feel like coloring him.

Stella (a character I made up-look at my older posts) standing on Hiei's head. Hiei is hopelessly confused.

Last one! This is the best Hiei I've ever drawn. He turned out way better than I expected, since I have a ridiculous amount of trouble making the guys I draw look male. Also, his hair is complicated. Point being, I definitely did not begin this picture expecting anything but a terrible picture to hide in my sketchbook and forget.

Now that I'm done bragging about my art, I don't really have much else to say. So I'll type some gibberish. KJhgouawhgu;GUDAIKGAUILGFYIGJHGU!! LIUWSGIFGWYILFGSJFLGWU! ILUFGIUSGFUSHF:udykuilsughilughgL:U:GHDSUAITJLJGJHZK&ISFG(S&876g87TGG&*S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is a rectangular oval. Eat it slowly.

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