Saturday, December 31, 2011

Disappointing Zombies. Also, Shall.

Thought I'd greet you with a picture of Japan. Just for fun.
So. I'm going to a football game later, which shall be entertaining. (shall count: 1) If you see a kid in an epic zebra hat, it's probably me. Don't kill me unless I'm staggering around and trying to eat people, in which case I'm a zombie and am dangerous. If you just see me screaming about brains, that's just normal me.
*sigh* I just remembered how I want to go back to DragonCon and how it's not until next year. Gives me time to understand more references, I guess. :P

Nothing has changed since last post. I still can't stay on topic for longer than a few sentences. I also failed at saying shall a lot, so shall shall shall shall shall shall shall. (shall count: 9 unless you count that I'm still saying it in my head)

I'll stop bothering you now.
Be prepared for the zombie apocalypse. You could be the difference between a minor outbreak and the apocalypse.

Friday, December 30, 2011


Mashed potatoes have pretty much the same consistency as normal potatoes. I was just thinking about that for no reason. People mash them out of cruelty. *frown*

...I'm not a hypocrite. Evil doesn't necessarily mean cruel, you know. I have standards.

Pudgy. That's a funny word.

I should stick to posting when I have something to say and/or when I'm hyper. It makes for more interesting posts.

~look at me still talking when there's Science to do~

I should leave.
No, seriously.
I <3 pasta~
Are you still there?
Target lost.

Let's see if this works...

It's sideways, but hey. After working on this for about 30 minutes, I don't feel like worrying about that. Anyway, I drew this on my iPad because I was bored. Isn't it beautiful?

...*glare* Say yes.


Have you ever wanted to say something interesting but been unable to think of anything? All of your stories are lame, you aren't mad enough to rant, nothing interesting is going on, and your technology will not allow the sharing of pictures? And also you're a T-Rex so typing is hard on its own and you can't really be bothered with making things up?

Yeah. That's EXACTLY what's happening to me right now.

Okay, I admit to being a human and not a dinosaur. And my arms are proportionate to my body. Probably. It's not like I've tested this thoroughly, but I'm reasonably suRRAAAAAAAWR-I mean sure.

You know what's weird?
Hush, hypothetical readers. Yes, I am weird, but so are llamas. They have interesting hair. It's all funny and puffy. I don't know how I suddenly switched trains of thought from dinosaurs to llamas.
I'm out of ideas. My iPad has locked at least three times since I started writing this. Admittedly, it's partially because I'm watching my cousins play Skyrim and it's distracting lay awesome, but there's also nothing interesting to say. *siiiiiiiigh* I wish more people read my blog so I'd have a better idea of what to talk about, but I'm also kind of glad that few if any people are reading this stupidity. Also, I'm not sure how to get readers without it being taken to mean "PLEASE LOVE ME LOOK AT ME I'M SO COOL AND YOU SHOULD READ MY BLOG BECAUSE I'M COOL AND ALSO WHY DOES NO ONE LOVE ME." In other news, that is the definition of a run-on sentence. Now you know.

I wish I could stop writing this because it's become a blog post talking about this blog. That's not the direction I want this to go. It used to be a bunch of anime pictures, but now that this iPad doesn't want me to post pictures, I have to actually think of stuff to fill the posts or disappear forever. And I don't want to disappear forever.

These recent posts are doing more harm than good in the area of gaining readers. I'll stop bothering you now.
Insert interesting farewell here.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Two days in a row! Does anyone even read this anymore?

Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy dooooooooooodz.
Wanna read my blog? OF COURSE YOU DO. I hope that, if you even cared about this blog in the first place, you have forgiven me for my long absence. All I can say in my defense is that I'm incredibly lazy and busy when I'm not lazy (and when I am, usually).

On with teh postings. I'm teaching my cousin to play L's theme on a toy keyboard. Have you noticed that all of my recent posts involve my cousins and L? Explanation, if you want one: I'm at my cousins' house and I've been reading/watching Deathnote lately, in which L is my favorite character. But this is uninteresting, so I'll switch topics again in the hopes that one of them will hold your interest a little. If anyone comments, I might learn which topics to avoid and which ones to discuss if I ever want readers. Great. Awesome. I'm rambling again. I NEED TO QUIT THAT.

So. Have I ever mentioned that every time I read/watch/hear a good story, I become deeply attached to it until I find a better one, and usually not even then? My mind is built for geeky purposes. The first time I did this was when I read Harry Potter in first grade. I belonged to the story for the entire time it took for me to finish it. I still do, actually. It was my first taste of an actual good story. I have a freakish talent (if that's what you call it) for completely fixating on something. Except things that other people think are important, like school and cleaning my room before it becomes a mass of confusion and piles of random crap.

I'm still not being interesting, am I?
I could tell a story. It's not long or particularly good, but it has a bit of a point.

So you know how I said my mind fixates on stuff? It's not always books. When I was little, my friend and I were the most dramatic children ever. We constantly had theories (we are witches, her doll was secretly alive, etc) or were acting ridiculous for no reason. Once, we found a bench with packed dirt under it on the practice field. Our child logic said that there was no way the dirt was packed because people's feet were there all the time. There was obviously a trapdoor and possibly buried treasure and/or a dragon surrounded by skeletons. Did I mention we were obsessed with horror stories? And still are? Anyway, we dug with sticks for several days and got some more people to join us until we either found out that it was just dirt or a teacher told us to stop. I forget which. This has been the story of how my friend and my quest to find buried... I don't know what we expected so I'm calling it adventure... under a bench at recess. Teh endz.

I may or may not be stalking you. Just FYI.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


You know how I keep saying I have nothing to say but this is my third post today? I actually don't have anything to say. I'm just making stuff up at random. Because I'm bored and I can't think of anything else to do. This probably isn't the best pastime as it involves my sharing idiotic and barely coherent bl

See what I mean?
Anyway, I'll just try to make some sense and/or keep your interest for the duration of this post, which will last until I think of something better to do.
My cousins are trying to make a fake movie about fighting, in which two of them fight/argue, one "films," and I sit in the background blogging and sitting like L. Have I mentioned that I've picked up that habit lately? Oh, and I'm also supposed to scream gibberish when my cousins are done fighting. Fun fun.

Nevermind. We were just screamed at to stop. So anyways, we've had cake for dessert two nights in a row. Ice cream cake. With really good frosting. I like cake, as I believe I've mentioned before. Moving on. I. Like. Being evil. *creepy smile* I'm still wearing my awesome zebra hat, which is great and really comfy and stays on my head and I don't look ridiculous because it's a ZEBRA so people don't think I'm being serious. Which I almost never am, but some people still don't know that.
You know one drawback of this iPad? You remember how I usually use adorable anime as filler for my posts? This device seems singularly designed to make this hard to do, especially since I'm used to my dad's computer with Windows and Explorer and stuff. I have no idea how to use the less obvious features of this thing. And I'm also not particularly good at figuring out technology. So I guess my dear readers will have to deal with not having adorable anime until I can figure it out/get on my dad's computer.

And now for a story(ish thing):

Derp, so this one time I was derping around like DERP DERP DERP DERP and then something happened and I was all DERP!?!? And then the thing that happened derped and everything exploded and derped. TEH ENDZ.

Okay, I think that's all for today. I'll stop bothering you for a moment, at least. Peace. Love. Derp. Anime.

Still no dying.

Extra Post of Marginal Failitude

To make up for my long absence. Which you probably didn't care about, but hey.

So I have some pictures on my cool new iPad that I'd like to post, but it doesn't want me to so I'll have to think of actual content now. (If you were wondering, the pictures are of Hiei, L, and cartoon me.)
Firstly, my cousins and I were on the trampoline earlier playing Dead Man, which soon turned into dying really dramatically and eventually we all fell over and screamed while the dog stared at us confusedly. When we got bored with screaming and being dead, we went and swung on a rope swing and then came back inside and ate cookies violently (or at least I did). I am quickly running out of things to say, so please wait while I think of stuff.

I like dogs

Ok. I'll take another stab at making a good post. *stabs* Oh! Hey! Topic!

I do not like being stabbed. I'm pretty sure most people also don't, but I can't be sure. Maybe I'm just weird. But having sharp objects jammed through my flesh doesn't sound enjoyable (I believe I've stated this before in that one post about ear piercing). There's a dog on the futon where I slept last night and the dog's name is Floyd Louis. He's an epic dog that likes being Floyd and existing. Everyone says his name in a weird accent because he's Floyd.


I had to do a project on Russia a while ago. It was actually fun as Russia is my favorite Hetalia character, but I got an A- because I couldn't find reliable information about the government (the Internet mislead me and my books were oldish so I wasn't sure about them and also it's called the Russian FEDERATION so why did I get that part wrong?) but at least it wasn't a B (I'm used to As. Interpret that as you will.) and I definitely need some As in Geography to balance my B-level derping in the first semester. Enough about school, as it is break and the concept of school happening again depresses me deeply. My cousin just said CHICAGO for no reason, but that is irrelevant.

Phew. IPad just died, but this post saved itself so I don't have to rewrite anything. I like that feature. So anyway, I've pretty much exhausted anything even remotely interesting to talk about, so I'm going to go ahead and post this and then maybe watch YouTube or eat something or look at my pixel ponies. Which, according to some overprotective and extremely religious mother somewhere, are evil. I can't tell you where to find that rant except by looking at people's forums on Howrse.

I'm rambling. I should stop.

No dying while I'm gone.

I haven't disappeared. Much.

So you might have noticed that I haven't posted since September. I apologize and offer my laziness as an excuse. It gets in the way of productivity quite often.

Moving on. As you should probably know (and if you don't, I'll be worried), Christmas was a few days ago. It was an awesome year, as I received an iPad that I'm using at present, a super awesome zebra hat that I've worn every day since I got it, a talking turret flashlight, a stuffed zombie, a ridiculous amount of chocolate, and several other enjoyable gifts. My cousins got Skyrim, which makes me jealous and which I'm watching them play right now. It seems about as awesome as I've heard.
In other news, I have recently become obsessed with Deathnote. Of course, it's rare for me to not love an anime, but this one is wonderful and addictive. For my hypothetical readers who don't know Deathnote, it's about a notebook that kills anyone whose name is written in it, with certain restrictions that are complicated and I should stop talking before I tell the entire story. Suffice it to say that it is, in fact, very awesome and you should read it. Especially if you're twisted like me and enjoy reading about crazy people. Oh, and L. L is great.

That's pretty much everything I have to say. Comment if you wish (which you probably don't) and remember to check every once in a while if you want to read my increasingly rare posts.
