Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Extra Post of Marginal Failitude

To make up for my long absence. Which you probably didn't care about, but hey.

So I have some pictures on my cool new iPad that I'd like to post, but it doesn't want me to so I'll have to think of actual content now. (If you were wondering, the pictures are of Hiei, L, and cartoon me.)
Firstly, my cousins and I were on the trampoline earlier playing Dead Man, which soon turned into dying really dramatically and eventually we all fell over and screamed while the dog stared at us confusedly. When we got bored with screaming and being dead, we went and swung on a rope swing and then came back inside and ate cookies violently (or at least I did). I am quickly running out of things to say, so please wait while I think of stuff.

I like dogs

Ok. I'll take another stab at making a good post. *stabs* Oh! Hey! Topic!

I do not like being stabbed. I'm pretty sure most people also don't, but I can't be sure. Maybe I'm just weird. But having sharp objects jammed through my flesh doesn't sound enjoyable (I believe I've stated this before in that one post about ear piercing). There's a dog on the futon where I slept last night and the dog's name is Floyd Louis. He's an epic dog that likes being Floyd and existing. Everyone says his name in a weird accent because he's Floyd.


I had to do a project on Russia a while ago. It was actually fun as Russia is my favorite Hetalia character, but I got an A- because I couldn't find reliable information about the government (the Internet mislead me and my books were oldish so I wasn't sure about them and also it's called the Russian FEDERATION so why did I get that part wrong?) but at least it wasn't a B (I'm used to As. Interpret that as you will.) and I definitely need some As in Geography to balance my B-level derping in the first semester. Enough about school, as it is break and the concept of school happening again depresses me deeply. My cousin just said CHICAGO for no reason, but that is irrelevant.

Phew. IPad just died, but this post saved itself so I don't have to rewrite anything. I like that feature. So anyway, I've pretty much exhausted anything even remotely interesting to talk about, so I'm going to go ahead and post this and then maybe watch YouTube or eat something or look at my pixel ponies. Which, according to some overprotective and extremely religious mother somewhere, are evil. I can't tell you where to find that rant except by looking at people's forums on Howrse.

I'm rambling. I should stop.

No dying while I'm gone.

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