Friday, December 30, 2011


Have you ever wanted to say something interesting but been unable to think of anything? All of your stories are lame, you aren't mad enough to rant, nothing interesting is going on, and your technology will not allow the sharing of pictures? And also you're a T-Rex so typing is hard on its own and you can't really be bothered with making things up?

Yeah. That's EXACTLY what's happening to me right now.

Okay, I admit to being a human and not a dinosaur. And my arms are proportionate to my body. Probably. It's not like I've tested this thoroughly, but I'm reasonably suRRAAAAAAAWR-I mean sure.

You know what's weird?
Hush, hypothetical readers. Yes, I am weird, but so are llamas. They have interesting hair. It's all funny and puffy. I don't know how I suddenly switched trains of thought from dinosaurs to llamas.
I'm out of ideas. My iPad has locked at least three times since I started writing this. Admittedly, it's partially because I'm watching my cousins play Skyrim and it's distracting lay awesome, but there's also nothing interesting to say. *siiiiiiiigh* I wish more people read my blog so I'd have a better idea of what to talk about, but I'm also kind of glad that few if any people are reading this stupidity. Also, I'm not sure how to get readers without it being taken to mean "PLEASE LOVE ME LOOK AT ME I'M SO COOL AND YOU SHOULD READ MY BLOG BECAUSE I'M COOL AND ALSO WHY DOES NO ONE LOVE ME." In other news, that is the definition of a run-on sentence. Now you know.

I wish I could stop writing this because it's become a blog post talking about this blog. That's not the direction I want this to go. It used to be a bunch of anime pictures, but now that this iPad doesn't want me to post pictures, I have to actually think of stuff to fill the posts or disappear forever. And I don't want to disappear forever.

These recent posts are doing more harm than good in the area of gaining readers. I'll stop bothering you now.
Insert interesting farewell here.

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