Saturday, December 31, 2011

Disappointing Zombies. Also, Shall.

Thought I'd greet you with a picture of Japan. Just for fun.
So. I'm going to a football game later, which shall be entertaining. (shall count: 1) If you see a kid in an epic zebra hat, it's probably me. Don't kill me unless I'm staggering around and trying to eat people, in which case I'm a zombie and am dangerous. If you just see me screaming about brains, that's just normal me.
*sigh* I just remembered how I want to go back to DragonCon and how it's not until next year. Gives me time to understand more references, I guess. :P

Nothing has changed since last post. I still can't stay on topic for longer than a few sentences. I also failed at saying shall a lot, so shall shall shall shall shall shall shall. (shall count: 9 unless you count that I'm still saying it in my head)

I'll stop bothering you now.
Be prepared for the zombie apocalypse. You could be the difference between a minor outbreak and the apocalypse.

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