Sunday, July 31, 2011

Band Nerdiness

So. Greetings, my human (or otherwise) readers. Who here knows DCI? It stands for Drum Corps International, and it's pretty much professional marching band. They performed in Atlanta last night, so a lot of people from my school's band went to watch. It was AMAZING. The marching, music, colorguard, and everything else was awesome, and I got to try on a crazy green headdress from one of the colorguard costumes. And then I had glitter all over my face. It was also really fun because we're bandies, and therefore awesome. Point being, DCI is definitely something you want to see.

Speaking of things you want to see, I saw Cowboys and Aliens today, and it was really cool. Classic Western stuff like horses, gunfights, etc, mixed with crazy alien technology that kinda reminded me of Portal. Yeah. Go see it.

And the last thing I'll say before I go, since I really don't have much to say today, is that I'm in the process of making a GLaDOS costume for DragonCon. :D Most of it isn't ready enough to show you people, but I can show you the personality core necklace I made for it:
Wood beads, white spray paint, Sharpie, and white ribbon. Also, if you feel like making anything with Sharpie, don't use clear spray paint afterwards. I had to completely redo Anger and Logic because it ran so much. Curiosity and Morality were okay, but the lines on the back of Curiosity and the edge of Morality's eye are a little blurry. It still turned out pretty good considering I've never drawn on a round surface before. It's harder than you think. The other things I made with the remaining beads were a string of crazy faces and the dragon balls. I'm planning on making Wheatley, Space, Facts, and Adventure later, but they require more effort because of the spray paint.

That's everything. Comment if you want, but it still won't let me reply.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nerd Origins

The title is relevant for once!
Nerds are like superheroes, because everyone has an origin story. My last post was ranting about my love of dragons as a small child, but now I'm going to tell you how I became a true nerd. It's a three-part story:
1: When I was 6, I saw that my mom was reading Harry Potter. I thought it looked cool, and demanded that she take me to the library so I could read it too. About three minutes into the first book, I decided that it was awesome and I've loved it ever since. Also, I know some people who still don't read it because it's too long. I tell them that I read it in first grade and that they should be ashamed.
2: In 5th grade, my parents made me try band, even though I didn't want to. It was one of those cases where your parents are right whether you like it or not. I love my trombones, Mrs. Blatsy von Blatsman and Trigger, and my baritone, Jaws. (Yes, I named them.)
3: I'm ashamed to say that I wasn't introduced to anime until last summer (Blame my lack of proper TV channels). I had seen the style before on DragonFable (which, by the way, is an awesome free game that you should play), but I didn't know anything about it. I was staying at my cousins' house for some reason, and they asked if I wanted to watch Dragon Ball Z Kai. I started watching it when everyone was on Namek, right before the Ginyu force arrived. I was so confused, but I still loved it. I remember the first line I heard- in a recap at the beginning of the episode, Bulma said "Oh Vegeta, you horrible monster!" I didn't know Vegeta. Then I found out who he was and I was all ZOMG EPIC SPIKY HAIR! :D
And now you know my story, assuming I didn't bore you to death. Laterz!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Warning: Demons.

Of the Yu Yu Hakusho variety, of course.
Anyway, I was at the farm (aka funfun epicsauce) this weekend. There's this golf cart there that my cousins and I ride around all over the property. Most of the land is forest, and there are tons of trails all over it. At one point, we went on a trail that we had only been on once before and missed the other trail we were looking for, and thus ended up at the very edge of the property. When we tried to go back, the golf cart decided that it would be a good time to break. We had to walk all the way back to the house from one of the farthest possible places, and two of my cousins were barefoot. And it was a really rough trail, with limbs in the middle of the road and everything. The lesson here is to always wear shoes if you plan on going anywhere less than foot-friendly with a machine that may or may not last the journey.
The rest of the farm trip was pretty awesome-it involved crazy backwards tube rides, skiing, horses, dogs, companion cubes (IT FINALLY ARRIVED), a dance party with Dutch music, juggling, a random game during which I destroyed everything in existence (including limbo) and thus became existence itself, a failed TFS marathon, and various other things.

In other news, I am planning on going to DragonCon this year! :D I'm working on an awesomesaucempossumflossem GLaDOS costume to wear. My backup is the Saiyan armor I wore for Halloween last year, if I mess with it a bit to make it better. If you're going, look for me.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Random Nostalgia Fest

GREETINGS. Read this if you feel like wasting some time.

So here I am at my house, not doing much but waiting for my companion cube (GRAAAARGH IT'S STILL NOT HERE!!!1!!one!!!). That's it for the news section. Now on to the fun part.
So, has anyone else noticed that it's REALLY FREAKING HOT? Or is that just me? ;) Well, I haven't come up with anything to make it better, so I guess I'll just change the subject again.
Ah, Dragon Tales. It was my favorite show when I was little. It was also among the only shows I got, since my TV is both ancient and lacking in the field of channel variety. Ever wonder why I'm so addicted to anime now? Mostly because it's awesome, but also because I didn't have any on my TV as a child. I still don't, actually. But anyway, back to Dragon Tales. I've forgotten a lot about it, but I remember the twin dragons (apart from Ord, they were my favorite), the pink one named Cassie, the kids who went to the dragons' world through their playroom, and the teacher dragon who spoke Spanish a lot. I always wondered how they flew and what was up with those necklaces. I actually had Ord and Cassie costumes that I wore all the time when I was little, until they both broke. And now that I'm older, I still like dragons (though more of the wish-granting or fire-breathing variety).

That's about all I have to say. If any of you humans wishes to comment, tell me your favorite show as a small humanling. (Humanling. That's a funny word.) And, if the site doesn't want to be stupid, I'll attempt to reply. Don't feel bad if I don't, though, since my blog doesn't like to hear my own feedback.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oh look, it's you guys. And you're floating...

One of the best lines from Charlie the Unicorn, and one that applies to my everyday life as well. (What? You mean you don't float around with your unicorn friends or scuba dive in midair!? WHAT UNIVERSE IS THIS!?!)

So anyway, I got a haircut earlier today. It's shoulder length with layers, and I find it enjoyable. AND it still goes into a ponytail, which is always good since I need a pewnehtayl to reid mah pewnehz. If you read that as though I spelled it normally, good job. If you couldn't understand it, out. Now. I have no use for you. *places you in a bottomless pit made of portals and watches* Stop screaming. It's distracting. Where were we? Oh right. Nowhere.  hiu <--I tried to make my cat say hi. Close enough. Now say hiu back to Duuuuuhk. I'm waaaaitinng...

Okay. He left. That's what you get for not returning his greeting. Bad, bad humans. *hits humans with a stick*

Well, that's about it. FAREWELL, MINIONS.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mohawk Farm

I don't know the meaning of that title any more than you do.

Okay, so the first thing I'd like to say is that IT IS SO HOT WHY IS IT SO HOT I'M BURNING WHY WON'T THE SUN STOP DOING THAT!?!?! This is coming from someone who likes summer, hot weather, swimming, and everything summerish except the increased number of bugs inside. Blah. Also, summer is slowly drawing to a close. For you people who still have time left, SHUT UP. My last two weeks of summer are full of band camp, which, while fun, is also murder. And there's still summer reading, blah blah blah blah... *dies*

*stands back up* So anyway, I'm done being pessimistic now. I ordered an Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube from ThinkGeek yesterday. If you aren't familiar with ThinkGeek, go look at it. Now.
Wonderful science! I'll love it forever. Also, while at my cousins' house last week, I read the entire DBZ manga. You ask why I didn't do this earlier, and I say KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Anyway, if you survived the LAZAR, it was awesome. I also met some Dutch people who were cool and went to a cheesy/awesome theme park with permanent fair rides and huge funnel cakes. Very fun. But then it stormed so we had to leave. Hm... what else happened...

*saves the universe* You missed it. :D

I don't think there's anything else to say. Goodbye Caroline!