Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nerd Origins

The title is relevant for once!
Nerds are like superheroes, because everyone has an origin story. My last post was ranting about my love of dragons as a small child, but now I'm going to tell you how I became a true nerd. It's a three-part story:
1: When I was 6, I saw that my mom was reading Harry Potter. I thought it looked cool, and demanded that she take me to the library so I could read it too. About three minutes into the first book, I decided that it was awesome and I've loved it ever since. Also, I know some people who still don't read it because it's too long. I tell them that I read it in first grade and that they should be ashamed.
2: In 5th grade, my parents made me try band, even though I didn't want to. It was one of those cases where your parents are right whether you like it or not. I love my trombones, Mrs. Blatsy von Blatsman and Trigger, and my baritone, Jaws. (Yes, I named them.)
3: I'm ashamed to say that I wasn't introduced to anime until last summer (Blame my lack of proper TV channels). I had seen the style before on DragonFable (which, by the way, is an awesome free game that you should play), but I didn't know anything about it. I was staying at my cousins' house for some reason, and they asked if I wanted to watch Dragon Ball Z Kai. I started watching it when everyone was on Namek, right before the Ginyu force arrived. I was so confused, but I still loved it. I remember the first line I heard- in a recap at the beginning of the episode, Bulma said "Oh Vegeta, you horrible monster!" I didn't know Vegeta. Then I found out who he was and I was all ZOMG EPIC SPIKY HAIR! :D
And now you know my story, assuming I didn't bore you to death. Laterz!

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