Monday, July 25, 2011

Warning: Demons.

Of the Yu Yu Hakusho variety, of course.
Anyway, I was at the farm (aka funfun epicsauce) this weekend. There's this golf cart there that my cousins and I ride around all over the property. Most of the land is forest, and there are tons of trails all over it. At one point, we went on a trail that we had only been on once before and missed the other trail we were looking for, and thus ended up at the very edge of the property. When we tried to go back, the golf cart decided that it would be a good time to break. We had to walk all the way back to the house from one of the farthest possible places, and two of my cousins were barefoot. And it was a really rough trail, with limbs in the middle of the road and everything. The lesson here is to always wear shoes if you plan on going anywhere less than foot-friendly with a machine that may or may not last the journey.
The rest of the farm trip was pretty awesome-it involved crazy backwards tube rides, skiing, horses, dogs, companion cubes (IT FINALLY ARRIVED), a dance party with Dutch music, juggling, a random game during which I destroyed everything in existence (including limbo) and thus became existence itself, a failed TFS marathon, and various other things.

In other news, I am planning on going to DragonCon this year! :D I'm working on an awesomesaucempossumflossem GLaDOS costume to wear. My backup is the Saiyan armor I wore for Halloween last year, if I mess with it a bit to make it better. If you're going, look for me.

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