Thursday, July 5, 2012


Disclaimer: This post contains no burritos. I'm sorry if you're disappointed.

Haha, no I'm not.

So. Yesterday was the 4th. As a Hetalia fan and an American, I was all IT'S THE HERO'S BIRTHDAY EVERYONE EAT BURGERS AND SHOOT FIREWORKS!!! Except I'm an herbivore so I didn't eat burgers and I didn't shoot fireworks because my family (my cousins' family, actually, as I'm the only one not related to that side of the family)doesn't have a party until Saturday for some reason. Also, the only special thing about the day was that my dog was distressed by the fireworks going off outside, causing her to bark a lot and eventually have her bed moved to the back of the house so she couldn't hear it.
Whatever. America!

I got a haircut today. It's only significant because a)I rarely get haircuts because my hair decides what to do on its own anyway, and b)I got bangs, which, despite what my cartoon self looks like, is a new thing. I enjoy them so far. Also, it's good for making people think I put some effort into my appearance when I actually just put my hair in a ponytail as usual. My mom also tried to take me shoe shopping, but I selected the least feminine shoe possible and insisted on getting it because I am not a shoe person at all. I would rather switch between my tennis shoes and boots than anything else.

On another subject, since this post has no theme: Sleeping like a human is hard. Most nights, I end up having an internal dialogue something like this:
-Hey! It's summer and you can stay up all night if you want to!
-No, I have to do stuff tomorrow. It's 2 in the morning.
-NO LET'S NOT. Are you stupid? We're getting up at least as early as 9 tomorrow.
-But internet!
-Is that so? *turns off computer*
-You think you can pull that off? I can stare at nothing all night if I need to!
-Are you serious?
-*staring at lamp*
-Turn it off.
-Yes. Are you really that stupid?
-Hey, look at this!

-Lol, I don't know.
-I am going to sleep now. Stop it.
-*distracting thoughts until I go to sleep*

And then I wake up and decide not to stay up that late again, but end up seeing something funny on the Internet and doing it again.

Let's see, other topics...
Oh yeah. I got Skyrim a couple of days ago (I know, finally, I always take forever with this stuff) with some of the money I didn't spend in New York. I was super excited to play it, considering that everyone to ever play it ever says it's awesome. After waiting for about three hours for it to install, I clicked on it, prepared for epicness, and got an error message. It made me wait another few hours to tell me what its problem was, which turned out to be that my computer is old and needs a new video card. This is not something we have sitting around, nor is it the easiest thing, since nobody in my family is particularly good at technology. So, until the video card is replaced in the distant future (nothing is ever replaced quickly), I have spent sixty dollars on an error message. Isn't that great?
So, because I was promised a new game and not given one, I've been replaying Portal 2. I had forgotten a surprising amount of that game's awesomeness. I do, however, know most of GLaDOS's quotes, the lemon rant (which I yelled at my cat just to see how he would react), and the turret opera on piano (I taught it to myself and have played it so much that I can play it without looking at the keyboard, with my left hand, at a ridiculous tempo, and/or with my other hand playing the inverted version on the other end of the piano, as well as in various different keys). Both Portal games make me feel bad for the companion cubes and turrets, so I have to go hug my stuffed companion cube (they sell those on ThinkGeek, so naturally I got one) and pet my turret flashlight. I'm kind of a geek.

That's about all I have to say. I don't think there will be much other than normal stuff happening until the farm on Saturday, which will of course be fun because my family is cooler than yours.

Peace, lolz.

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