Monday, July 9, 2012

Hey, I still exist!

...Or DO I? *mysterious hand motions*

Yeah, I think I do.

*hand motions*

So I went to the farm on Friday for a late 4th of July celebration (as in, a 7th of July celebration), and there were a lot of people there that the normal cousins and I never see. Despite the presence of other people we don't know, it was actually quite fun. When I got there, I went to my cousins' grandmother's house for "dinner," where I didn't actually eat anything. My cousins were in the hot tub when I got there, but it thundered loudly as I walked up because the weather does not like me at all, apparently. Then we played superbilliards (rolling the balls forcefully back and forth with the intent to hit fingers or at least keep everyone's hands moving frantically) and talked about Skyrim, which I have but can't play because I need a new video card and my computer is a jerkface poopyhead. We went back to the farm and stayed up until about 3 talking about random crap like swastika farms (younger boy cousin was playing Minecraft with older boy cousin #2 and had an efficient farm that happened to have that shape) and sauce.
On Saturday, we rode the Death Pals a lot (I hold the record for number of falls, but not for most epic fall. Older boy cousin #2 wins for bouncing up five feet, leaving the tube behind, and soaring sideways into the water.) and then got out the kneeboard, which three of us rode. I managed to nosedive and fall on my face, which I have never done before and which confirms that I was being a clumsy derp on Saturday. Then we swam around while boy cousin skied. One of the cousins I don't know and to whom I am actually not related and I were on surfboards in the middle of the lake, and she kept sitting on the back of hers facing me. This made me paranoid that she was going to fall off the back and shoot the board at me, so I put my hand in front of my face, then realized that a) that would not protect me from anything and would probably just break my hand as well as decapitating me, and b) my subconscious must think I'm awesome if that was my automatic reaction. Then we all went inside, ate, and watched fireworks that night. Because we are super awesome and not annoying or obnoxious at all, we screamed 'MERICA! after every single one and hit the porch railing repeatedly.

And then we stayed up really late again and left yesterday morning.

Last night, I was trying to go to sleep at a decent(ish) hour so that I would not be dead today, but my brain decided to wait until I was about to turn of the light to be all "NONONO WAIT YOU SHOULD TOTES FOR SRS DRAW UNDERTAKER!"
And I did.

And so continues the battle of sleep vs impulsiveness.

I have nothing much else to say, but here are some pictures to make up for it.

Okay. My powers (of which I have FAR too many) come from a peanut butter s'more, my costume is jeans and a purple shirt with a world map on it, my dog is my enemy, I got my powers at age three, the Avengers kill me (awesome death, yo), and, as I've already said, I have a ridiculous number of powers and talents and stuff. I am my new favorite superhero.

Also on the subject of The Avengers:

Can this be a real show, please? *puppy eyes*

...That was not cool, Captain America. We can't be friends. (Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist if you're wondering. He's a soul in a suit of armor, which I cannot explain without explaining the entire plot, and that would take a long time.)

Yep. Demons. The kind that devour human souls. Yeah.

Here's another of my impulse drawings that actually turned out pretty cool. Chell and the Different Turret from Portal (2) are being different.

Okay, time to wrap this post up neatly, as always.

Lol, did you actually think I would do that?
Hamster eyes.

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