Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Titles are hard :(

Good afternoon (or morning, evening, ridiculously late, or any other point in time in which you may or may not exist), minions. Who wants to hear a bunch of random crap from my brain?

No one?

Too bad. That's what you're getting.

Today, as usual, I went to the barn for adventures and ponies and spending long stretches of time in the heat with long pants, a helmet, and an animal with a high body temperature. Jack and I are working in flying lead changes, which, for non-horse people, means switching which leg the horse stretches farthest while cantering, without falling into a trot or otherwise screwing up. It's simple once you get it the first time, but practicing it involves cantering around for a long time without relaxing. This is especially true with Jack, who will sprint away and blatantly disobey anyone who does not pay attention. Despite this being a difficult maneuver (Maneuver. That's a cool word.) with a hyperactive troll of a horse, we actually managed it several times. When we went to the middle of the ring to let the other rider try it, Jack panted for several minutes. Usually, he's only that tired if he's been trying to fight me, but he did almost everything exactly right and was still worn out. The other rider hadn't done this before and her horse was being lazy and confused, but she managed a couple of times. We also tried changing leads without turning, but Jack was too tired to figure out what I wanted and ended up charging around and wavering on and off the rail in a desperate attempt to possibly get it right. I let him have that.
After the lesson, I went to visit the foal, who has grown considerably and enjoys biting things, especially his mother. They both came up to me when I called them, but the mother left after a few seconds because she didn't appreciate being chewed constantly. The foal made a weird growling noise (I don't think he's learned how to nicker yet) and enjoyed the attention until I went inside to escape the heat. I love the south.
Then we left the barn, got Asian food, and came back home. And I haven't done anything productive since.

How about some pictures?

I got these a few days ago because my little cousins and I went to the mall and I had money and I am impulsive. When we got home, we all played with them at my cousins' request. The resulting game made no sense and involved Thor and Loki flying around, randomly punching each other, and running into things.

Another of my mall purchases is this:

His name is Filbert and he is my newest (artificial) friend.

Hm, let's see, other stuff...

This makes me laugh. I know. It shouldn't be that funny. But I'm laughing anyway.

Well. I've exhausted my picture supply. I guess that means I'm done with this.

A saucetastic Jojday to you.

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