Saturday, December 18, 2010


I just got back from my horseback riding lesson. It was COLD out there. It wasn't bad temperature-wise, but it was cloudy and windy and drizzly and my horse was really hyper and that was unrelated to it being cold but I felt like saying it anyway so deal with it.
This little guy looks so much like my horse Jack. Whoever you are, Yellow_Lime81, this is adorable. Good work.

And here's a picture of my own. This is me when I was just learning to canter with Dancer, one of the beginner horses where I ride. Dancer is still my buddy, I visit him all the time even though I don't ride him anymore. I don't have any good ones of Jack, oh well.

Well, that's pretty much all I wanted to say, so look at this and then leave:
Chickens are demons too. Or something...

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