Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Camp me, part two: Kids and stuff.

Hey guys. I'm still Xenon, the world is still not under my control (yet), and you're still reading this like the loyal minion you are.
My cousins are still at my house. It's quite fun, but I don't know that I could work with this for extended periods of time. Why, you ask? If you didn't ask why, I'm providing an answer anyway. My explanation is that I like sleep and solitude far too much to spend longer than a week or two with two social, early-rising individuals.

But here's what we've been doing so far.
We went to Barnes and Noble yesterday, where we got a bunch of Tokidoki stuff and one volume of manga (D.Gray-Man, as I need to get it while it's in stock). We then went to eat pizza, where I saw Shadow (my friend/person I will one day defeat) and played I Spy. All of my clues were as confusing as they could possibly be until my mother reminded me that people are supposed to be able to guess them. After that, we came home, watched TV, and didn't do much else.

Today, we all went to the barn. The cousins got to take turns riding Disney, one of the beginner ponies, while I argued with Jack over who got to tell him what to do and what he was supposed to do assuming he accepted that I was the one in charge for the moment. After riding, we visited the foal, who is still adorable and now has a cut on his head because he ran into the fence. Apparently, he's lucky he only has that. We left the barn with my friend and went to the pool, where we screamed YE a lot for some reason, saw a bunch of people we know, and the cousins chased me around. Now we're home and the cousins are going to sleep. I'm still awake, which might turn out to be a bad decision depending on how early they decide to run into my room, shake my bed, and steal the covers until I wake up. They're very insistent about that. We're going to the farm tomorrow, which will involve golf cart rides and lake. Always a good thing.

I would have posted more pictures and possibly made this post more interesting (gasp!), but as I believe I've said, I'm pretty tired. I have some drawings on Instagram, if you people want to look at them and, you know, follow me and make me famous.

But anyway, here are some things.

I always suspected. Is it too late? *clings to age five* I WILL NEVER STOP BEING IMMATURE!

That, folks, is what we call 'shocking.' I feel bad for the people who found out too late.

I feel ya, Steve. I feel ya.

Okay, I'm too lazy and uncreative to finish this post. Toodles~
Wow, that's a stupid farewell. Let me revise that:
Until we meet again, human mortal.
There, that's better.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Camp me!

Hey doodz.

Okay, so my little cousins are at my house for the week for Camp Xenon. So far, the activities seem to be various crafts and group games. I have time for this post because they're making dog clothes and Bootle thinks she can't move if there's anything on her back. As you might assume, my little cousins are strange just like the rest of the family. As soon as they got here, they started flailing and dancing like maniacs, causing all the animals to retreat into the back of the house for shelter (Bootle is too old for this, and the cats are too easily scared).

They then made shirts, and all of us sewed aprons out of towels and made peanut butter cookies in various shapes. We also blew up a crap ton of balloons, many of which popped and thus deepened Bootle's lack of any will to leave the back of the house. I feel bad for her, as she's had a fairly quiet life so far and is not used to small children suddenly coming into her home for extended periods of time.
The cousins went to bed early last night after much insanity and screaming about various topics, especially Loki (I mentioned Loki once and now they're obsessed with him. Better him than Disney Channel, I guess.), though the older of the two tried to stay up with me until I said I usually stayed up at least until 11. They woke me up at 8:30 this morning, which is too early considering my summer sleep schedule of 2:30 at the earliest until noon.

As soon as I was awake, they told me that my hair was cursed (Idon'tevenknow) and pretty much dragged me outside to play games, even though I was willing to go on my own and dragging was unnecessary.
On the good side, riding is tomorrow and they enjoy seeing the horses.

I will post again at some point in the future. For now, enjoy these nice pictures I found.


This Death Note is what all true crazy mass murderers strive for.

Okay, peace. *epic dancing exit, except I can't dance so just pretend*
Dun dun dun dun-dun-dun dun dun dun dun-dun-dun dun dun dun dun-dun-dun dun dun dun dun-dun-dun dun dun dun dada dada. (Mortal Kombat theme)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

This post is about stuff happening.

Not sure if blog has a theme, or I'm just unoriginal.

Today was a day of adventures.

Adventure #1: I went to riding this morning, rode my teacher's mare, Lily, who I enjoy despite her being hard to get used to. After that, I got Jack because he was galloping around the pasture and freaking out (I'm not the only one who has spastic boredom, apparently). I think that previous statement probably sounds strange and idiotic to non-horse people, but Jack isn't a particularly dangerous horse.
Anyway, I got into the ring at the same time as my friend's mom did with her horse, Diamond. We found a bird's nest full of eggs next to the overturned mounting block, so in order to spare the eggs and not give the mother bird a panic attack, we mounted from the ground. Jack, being the nice horse he is, allowed me to do this and walked calmly to the rail. Diamond, however, freaked out as soon as his rider hit the saddle, jumped, cantered away, bucked several times, and threw her off. (He hadn't been ridden for a while and something might have pinched him, but I'm not sure what exactly happened.) I went to see if his rider was okay, as she's a nice person and it's generally not cool to leave someone lying in the middle of the ring. Something had scraped her face and she was kind of out of it, which gave the impression that she was going to die. I went to get my teacher, who came to the ring with two of my friends and two doctors who happened to be there watching their kids ride. Diamond was caught and untacked (he seemed to have no idea what he had done wrong), and Jack got to go back to his stall without a workout. Diamond's rider was okay aside from several bruises and a huge scrape, and she walked out of the barn on her own. I think she was going to go to the doctor to see if there's anything that needs to be checked, but the series of nice coincidences (wearing a helmet for the first time in forever, another rider in the ring on a bombproof horse, falling on the ground and not a jump, two doctors on hand, horse stayed away) were quite helpful. So, yeah, catastrophe, but not as much as it could have been.

Adventure #2 (don't worry, this is a fun adventure): My friend informed me a few days ago that she was going to kidnap me today (her words) and take me to an undisclosed location. This location turned out to be Barnes & Noble, which is always fun even though I've already been there in the past few days. We looked at graphic novels, discussed how awesome Avengers was, ate Starbucks pastries, and found some cool how-to-draw books. I usually don't get those anymore, as they're not extremely helpful, but I can't draw clothing or dragons yet. The clothing book ended up having endless Hetalia references, which was awesome as my friend and I are both huge Hetalia fans. Two examples of said references:

You tell me those are not drawings of Romano and Prussia. There were a lot more of other countries, too.

I also got a set of brush markers, recommended by my friend, and a book of "modern poetry," which was actually a bunch of stupid celebrity quotes with introductions and everything talking about how it was a beautiful work of art. But then it was late, so we went back to our respective residences.

Other stuff that has been happening lately:

I got on Cleverbot for the first time in a while. I didn't have many ideas, so I gave it my usual greeting (not even lying, this is my usual greeting) and this is what happened:

So I am apparently Cleverbot's master. *considers* ...Cool.

Also, I found this earlier and cracked up:

I think Captain America would be really conflicted if he met Alfred F. Jones America, considering the latter's blatant gluttony and obnoxiousness.

Sorry, America hacked my computer.

So. That's about all I have to say. Cats are still cool, dog still thinks she's a puppy, roaches still attacking my house, I'm still a nerd with considerably less of a life than most, I'm also still super awesome. You know, normality.

Except not, because I'm not a normal person. See, I'm creepily smiling at the screen right now, which normal people don't do while blogging.

Anyway. We're done here.

Don't make lemonade.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hey, I found a buried post!

I was looking through stuff and I found this.

"I don't feel like making a clever title.

Hey doodz, I feel like making a post for some reason even though I have no ideas. Right now I am listening to Streamline by Newton, which is a strange but awesome song with few lyrics. And now I'm in my unfinished room because it's a pretty cool place. The average person would probably not agree with this assessment, as it's a mostly empty room containing two chairs, an electric piano, a punching bag, a closet, some bags, and construction materials. And the air conditioning doesn't do much for the crushing heat. But whatever, I enjoy it.

Okay, you know what, I'll just stop this for now and come back when I have ideas."

I never came back.

But now I'm leaving again.



Oh, hey, reader! I didn't see you there! *grin*
I'm kidding. I've been watching your every move.

So I went to Barnes and Noble today because I have a crap ton of birthday money and needed reading material. Because I had so much money, I pretty much picked up any book I thought I might read, which got me two volumes of D.Gray-Man, a Mad Libs for the lolz, a book by Neil Gaiman (who co-wrote Good Omens, which is super awesome), a Lovecraft collection, a book of twistedly adorable cartoons, and an AP Modern study book. I think I'll be entertained for a while.

Speaking of entertainment, I got an Instagram a few weeks ago (I'm not a hipster, I swear) to see what it is, and it's pretty fun. I usually use it for random doodles. My username is horseysaiyan and you should follow me if you also have one. I sometimes post the same pictures on this blog and on Instagram, but not always, so you can see more of my intensely awesome drawings if you follow me. This is shameless self-advertisement, I know, but you know what? I AM AWESOME. So you can shut up with your nitpicking.

Also speaking of entertainment, look at this thing I drew:

(asdfmovie and Avengers, just in case you're new to the Internet and/or movies) (in which case I advise you to make up for lost time)

To change the subject randomly, I have a terrifying story about insects and how they like my house. I was sitting around being awesome earlier when I looked up and saw a roach crawling disgustingly into the room. Being irrationally terrified of roaches, I stood up on the couch and stared at it in horror as a second one came in to join it. Naturally, I assumed that I was under attack and began to fear for my life/dignity, but then my mother, who is slightly less repulsed by these things, crushed them with a shoe before they could bring in reinforcements. And my house is not overrun.
I swear I could have handled it myself, if I were forced. *smile*
If you attempt to use this roach fear against me, you are warned that this qualifies as "not cool, man" and I will hit/stab you with things until you quit it.

Okay, I've been giving this page a blank stare for long enough to make me think that I'm out of ideas and you guys will not get a well-concluded post (again). I would say sorry, but I'm not because this post is still better than a lot of the stuff on the Internet.

Unamused kitties for all of you.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Epic movie is epic.

So yeah, I hadn't seen Avengers until today. Not because of any doubt of its awesomeness (the Internet kind of rubs it in your face), but because I never see movies with the rare exception of a film adaptation of a book I like. In order to experience the awesomeness and stop seeing annoying spoilers everywhere (INTERNET. Dangit. Stop that.), I went with my friend who also hadn't seen it earlier today.

Okay, I don't think there's a way to express the overall awesomeness.
This was essentially my reaction, save for that one sad scene that I won't tell you about because I AM A NICE PERSON:

In case anyone wanted my opinion, which you probably didn't but too bad because that's how I roll: The best character was all of them (pretty much) and the best part was the movie.

In other news, I was at the barn today, where I got to lead the foal to his pasture, work on bending with Jack, and learn how to do a flying lead change on my teacher's horse, Lily (followed by showing her off for some small campers from this one college's summer horse thing). Lily was confusing because she takes everything literally, and she didn't want to pay attention to me a lot of the time because the barn's resident stallion was out and she was busy whinnying at him. Geez, flirt.

I also drew a picture, but I don't feel like posting it because it's late and I'm trying to wrap this post up before I get super lazy and just cut it off randomly. You know that this is a quality blog and I would never, ever do that to my dear readers because you guys deserve a quality post every time.

Lol, just kidding.

Ninja kitties!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Teh fram!

Sup bros?

In between random travel, I went home for one day (the little cousins came with me, ate pizza, played my instruments, and met the ponies while I was riding), bringing the number of nights spent at home this summer up to five, and then came back to the farm.
Cousins will be referred to as girl cousin/boy cousin/etc until I think of clever names to replace their real ones.
The boat is broken, which makes epic boat rides and death pal circles impossible, but the golf cart is still working despite the occasional need for a ghetto fix. So we've spent a large portion of our time zooming around the farm's many roads with the dog(s) following us. Last night, we were bored and decided to go camping. We took our stuff around the lake to an indentation in the ground, which looks small from across the lake but up close resembles a laser scar from Dragon Ball Z.

It also features piles of rocks and a lake for fire safety, plus dead grass to start the fire.

After sitting around the fire, singing, and shining the flashlight around until the fire was almost out, we dumped water on the fire and retired to the tent.
The tent was actually made for two people, but we decided that the four of us would be fine there. I was fine, as I take up whatever space is provided for me and am thus capable of sleeping in about four square feet of space if need be. Girl cousin was also fine. The guys, however, could not fall asleep and continuously talked about it until around 1 AM (we didn't stay up late because sunlight and things). At first, we all had a conversation about cool topics including a bizarre Tik Tok parody that goes like this:

Wake up in the morn' feeling as though I'm Pete Diddy/Got my gear, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit the city (in the face)/Before I leave, brush my teef wif a bottle of brains/Cuz when I leave for the night you gone feel da pain/I'm talking jhgjygfjhgfjtfdjhgvfydfgdghvhjbuugbjhbnnkhygdytdjgvugvihguhvugfuhyfgugijnjhvbjdyf/Don't stop/Burger shop/Gonna punch your glasses off/Tonight/I will fight/Till I die/END.

After a while, we started singing "Chutney" by mrweebl (among YouTube's weirdest). It was fun at first, but soon transformed into an evil mutant chant feared by ears everywhere.

Two of us sang the entirety of "Don't Stop Believing," and everyone shut up for a while until the guys returned to being unable to sleep. I think they left at around 2, because girl cousin and I woke up this morning to find that they were in the house (and, unrelatedly, that the tent produced a greenhouse-like crushing humidity in the sunlight). We did normal cool stuff today, went to Walmart, and played badminton after dinner.
My aunt, girl cousin, and I were on one team, while my uncle and the boy cousins were on the other. Girl cousin and I barely moved because my aunt was running around hitting the thing every time.

I looked pretty epic a couple of times while flailing around trying to hit the thing (it has two names, but I like neither so it is a thing), but I usually ended up missing because my coordination is crap if I'm not drawing or riding a horse. Also, I haven't had much chance to hone my skills because I am a loner only child with a small yard and I dislike most sports. My dislike of sports is probably because we had PE every day when I was little and, being a painfully shy kid, most of my teammates were people I did not know. They would try to be all nice if I messed up, but it was weird because they used their talking-to-a-child voices and none of them talked to me any other time. Thus, I avoid team sports.

But I digress. We played two games, both of us won once so we don't need to exact revenge, and then came back inside. And here I am, blogging about it.

Well. That's about it.
I shall return.
You know, you know, you know, you know, you know.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Empty schools and a dogswarm.

Ohai hoomans. I am still with my cousins and still doing cool stuff as in the last post, but I've done more of it now.

Today, we went to my cousins' school because of a camp and toured the middle school in the process. Since it is summer and most rules are irrelevant, we did stuff like this:

As well as screaming in the soundproof room to test its abilities (not absolute), mispronouncing "geese" and "swan" (gooshen and schwoon), and other lovely adventures.

Then we came back home and didn't really do much other than throw a soccer ball at ants until after dinner.

We went on a walk through the neighborhood because the dog was supposed to go out after dinner. I rode a scooter for swag purposes, resulting in me looking awesome and having to stop a lot because wheels are faster than feet. On the way back, I was coasting downhill like a BAUS when the neighbor's dogs ran out into the road to give us a friendly greeting that resembled an attack. For whatever reason, they decided to swarm around me.

Apparently, awesome scootering individuals=potential dog murderers that need to be chased away.

On the subject of dogs, look at this pretty picture I took of my little cousins' dog, Susie.


Okay. On that lovely note, I shall end this post because I'm still as lazy as last time. Also, we're watching The IT Crowd and I keep getting distracted.


Last person to say not it is alive! NOT IT!!!!1!!!!!!!!

So I've spent the past few days derping around with my cousins, which would be bothersome if my family were not of the awesome variety.
After spending a week at band camp and then going to riding (where Jack trolled and Luke ran away as usual), I went to the farm. We rode the golf cart, watched The Walking Dead, and drew random crap in notebooks. At one point, the golf cart broke and my cousin fixed it with a strategically placed rock in its inner workings, thus saving us the effort of pushing it back to the house over several large hills.
Everyone left the farm, but I accompanied my aunt to my grandma's house to entertain my two little cousins while the adults worked on remodeling the bathroom.
I haven't said much about said little cousins before, but most of my visits with them go like this:

They are apparently coming over to my house for a week this summer. I don't know what we'll do, but there have apparently been activities planned without my knowledge.

We had to leave the house one day while some guy fixed the random flea infestation, but not much else happened.
I then left there and came to my other cousins' house with my cousins' cousin. We're going to be here for the rest of the week. We've spent our time playing Portal, jumping/flopping around randomly on the trampoline, swinging on a tree, and talking to the dog, Floyd, and his imaginary opposite, Dyolf. Today, we went to the pool and had epic water fights.

This resulted in the conversation in the title, because apparently three out of the four of us are not alive. (I'm not the living one.) And then we were like LOL, YOU'RE ALIVE. NOOB.

Then we ate pizza and now we're playing Portal/watching Portal being played. Bots are dying a lot.

I'm too lazy to make this post longer. Meh, I'll say something else later.

Until a later date, mortal(s).

Friday, June 8, 2012

One last thing:

My birthday was a few days ago. I'm now some age that you might also be but you also might be younger or older or possibly opposite if you're not going to be born for a while, or if you age backwards and are now dead.

My point is that if anyone feels like giving me this, I would be much obliged.

Thank you for your time.

I would wish you spiky-haired demons, but I'm keeping Hiei so you can have different ones.

Ceiling cat always knows.

Adventures and Complete Insanity in New York

WARNING: This post is super long because I did so much stuff. You have been warned.

So nice to see you again (metaphorically, of course), minions. I'm sorry it took so long to post something-I couldn't take my iPad to New York and the wifi wasn't free anyway, and then I went to band camp and didn't have Internet for most of the trip.

But I'm back now.
New York was potentially the most awesome trip I have ever been on. I had a journal to record the trip, and I was originally going to copy it onto this blog, but it ended up being super long and I don't think you care about everything I did. So I'll just tell you the main things.

--Day 1--
Woke up at 5:00, which no human should have to do, and went to meet the group (a bunch of bandies and actors) and go to the airport. Being tired and bored, I spent the ride singing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall and then watching all of the asdfmovies with my mortal enemy. Security and all that stuff went smoothly and I didn't have to check my bag. I spent the entire plane ride looking out the window-having not flown since I was a small human, I found it fascinating. During the flight, I drew some random crap in my notebook. For example:

We landed, left LaGuardia (which is fairly sketchy), and rode a bus to our hotel, which had this sign in front of it:

(By the way, this is the only picture I took that made it from my phone to my iPad. Sorry. You'll have to settle for words and doodles.)

Not only this, but there was a bar across the street whose sign had a few burned-out letters and therefore said SITH'S B.

We put our stuff in our small rooms and went to lunch and Toys R Us for an hour. Nerdchild heaven. There were piles of awesome toys and Lego representations of various characters. I couldn't decide what to buy, but ended up with a stuffed Fruit Ninja strawberry named Nigel.

After that, we went to the hotel, changed, ate pizza, and saw The Lion King on Broadway.
All. The. Awesome.

I had forgotten a good portion of the movie since I last saw it as a minuscule being, and my mind was therefore blown by the awesomeness of the play. Everyone was pretty much incoherent by the end, and one of my friends spent the rest of the trip imitating Rafiki.

That night, I stayed up fairly late despite being really tired already because my roommates and I were too busy talking about how cool everything was to sleep. From this point onward, my journal is super random because my mind enjoys jumping around topics when I'm tired.

--Day 2--
Had I Just Can't Wait to be King stuck in my head all day, which I didn't mind at first but eventually caused me to develop a desire to kill that song.
Our activities included riding the subway for the first time, my being reminded of how southern I am by a boiling cup of unsweetened tea for breakfast, the Metropolitan Museum of Art (which was SO awesome and had a ton of famous works of art and ancient weapons), where I got a book about Surrealism, and F.A.O Schwartz (similar to Toys R Us in terms of childish awesomeness, but with fancier toys and higher prices), where I got a doodle book to fill with weirdness.

We had dinner at the Stardust Diner, where the waiters are aspiring Broadway actors who sing a lot. It was quite entertaining. After that, we saw Mary Poppins, which was unrealistically awesome, and got our playbills signed (coolness). We had planned to go to the Empire State Building, but it was too late, so we put it off a night and a group of us went to a year-round haunted house called Times Scare.
Times Scare was great. Most of the guys screamed like little girls and sang The Circle of Life the whole time, one was clutching my arm (to keep track of me since I was the only girl in the group, though I was not in danger of being separated), and my horror fan friend and I were cracking up and trying to out-scary the employees. Everyone else ran out at the end, but said friend and I walked pleasantly down the stairs and talked about how funny it was. I love being difficult to scare.
Then we went back to the hotel, watched TV, and went to sleep.

--Day 3--
We went shopping in Chinatown and Little Italy. Chinatown was somewhat sketchy and full of knockoff products, explicit shirts, and pushy owners. Little Italy had slightly less sketchy shops and more Italy-themed stuff, but was pretty similar. I got an Italia soccer jacket, which I love, but nothing else because I didn't want to spend too much money. My mortal enemy and I discussed why Scar is named Scar if he wasn't born with a scar, and came up with three possibilities: His full name is Scarlet, his mother slashed him because she wanted a daughter, or his mother was psychic and had a strange life. Then we shopped in Times Square, where a machine at the M&Ms store told me I was kind after I stomped violently on it several times, a guy dressed as Spiderman growled at me and hit me with a web, and we went to Virgin Records, which was awesome.

We ate dinner at Carnegie Deli, which was very good despite my being an herbivore, and then saw Peter and the Starcatcher.
THE HILARITY. Everyone flailed around laughing for about ten minutes straight, and I was very proud to have gotten the playbill signed by everyone.
We went to the Empire State Building, where some people from another company tried to scam us but failed, and the view was amazing. It kind of made me nervous when people held cameras and stuff outside the bars for photographic purposes, so I tried not to move around much. The view was still great.
Then we walked back to the subway, tried to do bell kicks the whole time for no apparent reason, and went to sleep.

--Day 4--
My feet had begun to be in serious pain at this point from all the walking and I had developed L eyes as a combined effect of fatigue and poorly removed eyeliner from dressing up for dinner.
But I should just tell you what I did.

We took a ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, missed the ferry coming back because it left early, took a different one, and left. I had a churro for lunch (!) which I bought from a very pushy street vendor. Then we walked down Wall Street, were told we didn't love New York by some guy sitting against a building (and doing nothing to better the city he apparently loved), and took far too long to find the 9/11 museum. When we finally got there, everyone was all solemn because it was saddening and we all wrote our thoughts on notecards and put them in a box.
Dinner was "southern" food, which in New York means that they serve fast food and tea with maybe one Splenda packet in it. It was actually pretty good, but they took forever with my milkshake, which to my tired self was an unforgivable crime. Whatever, it was still decent food.
After that, we went to see Once, which was a love story with AMAZING musicians. Everyone onstage had an instrument and an awesome singing voice. For a group of bandies and singers, it was incredible. We got the playbills signed again, which was great. The play next door had a bunch of celebrity actors (ex: James Earl Jones), who we saw for a few seconds through the crowd of people. Then we had milkshakes again, but no boys came to the yard. Then we packed and didn't get to sleep until after 1.

--Day 5--
Woke up an hour later than normal just because, finished packing, and walked around in Times Square. I got a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious shirt for my maternal unit and a Lion King book to go with the soundtrack I had already gotten. Yes, I loved that show. Shut up.

At the airport, I had to check my bag at the last minute because it had magically become too big despite my small amount of things bought. There was a girl in a Black Butler shirt waiting to get on, so we had a small fanjoy moment about how cool that anime is. When we were all on the plane (finally), the pilot introduced himself as Han Solo and made a string of Star Wars references instead of average pre-flight information. Best pilot.
I spent the whole flight being paranoid, because tired me thought that planes crashed all the time and people wanted to steal everything out of my bag, but nothing bad happened. After landing, my mortal enemy and I laughed for a really long time because she said "defecation of property" meaning "desecration." Everyone wanted us to shut up.

And then we all went to our respective homes and I ate a crap ton of Japanese food for dinner.

After sleeping late for one day, I went to music camp, where I roomed with my cousin and learned how to play trombone slightly better. We had a concert, which went quite well. And now I'm home and I slept until 1 today and I'm still kind of tired.

That's about it. I'll be back to normal posts at some point.

May growling Spidermen hit you with webs wherever you may go.