Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Camp me!

Hey doodz.

Okay, so my little cousins are at my house for the week for Camp Xenon. So far, the activities seem to be various crafts and group games. I have time for this post because they're making dog clothes and Bootle thinks she can't move if there's anything on her back. As you might assume, my little cousins are strange just like the rest of the family. As soon as they got here, they started flailing and dancing like maniacs, causing all the animals to retreat into the back of the house for shelter (Bootle is too old for this, and the cats are too easily scared).

They then made shirts, and all of us sewed aprons out of towels and made peanut butter cookies in various shapes. We also blew up a crap ton of balloons, many of which popped and thus deepened Bootle's lack of any will to leave the back of the house. I feel bad for her, as she's had a fairly quiet life so far and is not used to small children suddenly coming into her home for extended periods of time.
The cousins went to bed early last night after much insanity and screaming about various topics, especially Loki (I mentioned Loki once and now they're obsessed with him. Better him than Disney Channel, I guess.), though the older of the two tried to stay up with me until I said I usually stayed up at least until 11. They woke me up at 8:30 this morning, which is too early considering my summer sleep schedule of 2:30 at the earliest until noon.

As soon as I was awake, they told me that my hair was cursed (Idon'tevenknow) and pretty much dragged me outside to play games, even though I was willing to go on my own and dragging was unnecessary.
On the good side, riding is tomorrow and they enjoy seeing the horses.

I will post again at some point in the future. For now, enjoy these nice pictures I found.


This Death Note is what all true crazy mass murderers strive for.

Okay, peace. *epic dancing exit, except I can't dance so just pretend*
Dun dun dun dun-dun-dun dun dun dun dun-dun-dun dun dun dun dun-dun-dun dun dun dun dun-dun-dun dun dun dun dada dada. (Mortal Kombat theme)

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