Monday, June 18, 2012

Teh fram!

Sup bros?

In between random travel, I went home for one day (the little cousins came with me, ate pizza, played my instruments, and met the ponies while I was riding), bringing the number of nights spent at home this summer up to five, and then came back to the farm.
Cousins will be referred to as girl cousin/boy cousin/etc until I think of clever names to replace their real ones.
The boat is broken, which makes epic boat rides and death pal circles impossible, but the golf cart is still working despite the occasional need for a ghetto fix. So we've spent a large portion of our time zooming around the farm's many roads with the dog(s) following us. Last night, we were bored and decided to go camping. We took our stuff around the lake to an indentation in the ground, which looks small from across the lake but up close resembles a laser scar from Dragon Ball Z.

It also features piles of rocks and a lake for fire safety, plus dead grass to start the fire.

After sitting around the fire, singing, and shining the flashlight around until the fire was almost out, we dumped water on the fire and retired to the tent.
The tent was actually made for two people, but we decided that the four of us would be fine there. I was fine, as I take up whatever space is provided for me and am thus capable of sleeping in about four square feet of space if need be. Girl cousin was also fine. The guys, however, could not fall asleep and continuously talked about it until around 1 AM (we didn't stay up late because sunlight and things). At first, we all had a conversation about cool topics including a bizarre Tik Tok parody that goes like this:

Wake up in the morn' feeling as though I'm Pete Diddy/Got my gear, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit the city (in the face)/Before I leave, brush my teef wif a bottle of brains/Cuz when I leave for the night you gone feel da pain/I'm talking jhgjygfjhgfjtfdjhgvfydfgdghvhjbuugbjhbnnkhygdytdjgvugvihguhvugfuhyfgugijnjhvbjdyf/Don't stop/Burger shop/Gonna punch your glasses off/Tonight/I will fight/Till I die/END.

After a while, we started singing "Chutney" by mrweebl (among YouTube's weirdest). It was fun at first, but soon transformed into an evil mutant chant feared by ears everywhere.

Two of us sang the entirety of "Don't Stop Believing," and everyone shut up for a while until the guys returned to being unable to sleep. I think they left at around 2, because girl cousin and I woke up this morning to find that they were in the house (and, unrelatedly, that the tent produced a greenhouse-like crushing humidity in the sunlight). We did normal cool stuff today, went to Walmart, and played badminton after dinner.
My aunt, girl cousin, and I were on one team, while my uncle and the boy cousins were on the other. Girl cousin and I barely moved because my aunt was running around hitting the thing every time.

I looked pretty epic a couple of times while flailing around trying to hit the thing (it has two names, but I like neither so it is a thing), but I usually ended up missing because my coordination is crap if I'm not drawing or riding a horse. Also, I haven't had much chance to hone my skills because I am a loner only child with a small yard and I dislike most sports. My dislike of sports is probably because we had PE every day when I was little and, being a painfully shy kid, most of my teammates were people I did not know. They would try to be all nice if I messed up, but it was weird because they used their talking-to-a-child voices and none of them talked to me any other time. Thus, I avoid team sports.

But I digress. We played two games, both of us won once so we don't need to exact revenge, and then came back inside. And here I am, blogging about it.

Well. That's about it.
I shall return.
You know, you know, you know, you know, you know.


  1. Use my real name, you derp. I don't care.

    1. But it violates my unwritten blog code! *flail*
