Friday, June 8, 2012

Adventures and Complete Insanity in New York

WARNING: This post is super long because I did so much stuff. You have been warned.

So nice to see you again (metaphorically, of course), minions. I'm sorry it took so long to post something-I couldn't take my iPad to New York and the wifi wasn't free anyway, and then I went to band camp and didn't have Internet for most of the trip.

But I'm back now.
New York was potentially the most awesome trip I have ever been on. I had a journal to record the trip, and I was originally going to copy it onto this blog, but it ended up being super long and I don't think you care about everything I did. So I'll just tell you the main things.

--Day 1--
Woke up at 5:00, which no human should have to do, and went to meet the group (a bunch of bandies and actors) and go to the airport. Being tired and bored, I spent the ride singing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall and then watching all of the asdfmovies with my mortal enemy. Security and all that stuff went smoothly and I didn't have to check my bag. I spent the entire plane ride looking out the window-having not flown since I was a small human, I found it fascinating. During the flight, I drew some random crap in my notebook. For example:

We landed, left LaGuardia (which is fairly sketchy), and rode a bus to our hotel, which had this sign in front of it:

(By the way, this is the only picture I took that made it from my phone to my iPad. Sorry. You'll have to settle for words and doodles.)

Not only this, but there was a bar across the street whose sign had a few burned-out letters and therefore said SITH'S B.

We put our stuff in our small rooms and went to lunch and Toys R Us for an hour. Nerdchild heaven. There were piles of awesome toys and Lego representations of various characters. I couldn't decide what to buy, but ended up with a stuffed Fruit Ninja strawberry named Nigel.

After that, we went to the hotel, changed, ate pizza, and saw The Lion King on Broadway.
All. The. Awesome.

I had forgotten a good portion of the movie since I last saw it as a minuscule being, and my mind was therefore blown by the awesomeness of the play. Everyone was pretty much incoherent by the end, and one of my friends spent the rest of the trip imitating Rafiki.

That night, I stayed up fairly late despite being really tired already because my roommates and I were too busy talking about how cool everything was to sleep. From this point onward, my journal is super random because my mind enjoys jumping around topics when I'm tired.

--Day 2--
Had I Just Can't Wait to be King stuck in my head all day, which I didn't mind at first but eventually caused me to develop a desire to kill that song.
Our activities included riding the subway for the first time, my being reminded of how southern I am by a boiling cup of unsweetened tea for breakfast, the Metropolitan Museum of Art (which was SO awesome and had a ton of famous works of art and ancient weapons), where I got a book about Surrealism, and F.A.O Schwartz (similar to Toys R Us in terms of childish awesomeness, but with fancier toys and higher prices), where I got a doodle book to fill with weirdness.

We had dinner at the Stardust Diner, where the waiters are aspiring Broadway actors who sing a lot. It was quite entertaining. After that, we saw Mary Poppins, which was unrealistically awesome, and got our playbills signed (coolness). We had planned to go to the Empire State Building, but it was too late, so we put it off a night and a group of us went to a year-round haunted house called Times Scare.
Times Scare was great. Most of the guys screamed like little girls and sang The Circle of Life the whole time, one was clutching my arm (to keep track of me since I was the only girl in the group, though I was not in danger of being separated), and my horror fan friend and I were cracking up and trying to out-scary the employees. Everyone else ran out at the end, but said friend and I walked pleasantly down the stairs and talked about how funny it was. I love being difficult to scare.
Then we went back to the hotel, watched TV, and went to sleep.

--Day 3--
We went shopping in Chinatown and Little Italy. Chinatown was somewhat sketchy and full of knockoff products, explicit shirts, and pushy owners. Little Italy had slightly less sketchy shops and more Italy-themed stuff, but was pretty similar. I got an Italia soccer jacket, which I love, but nothing else because I didn't want to spend too much money. My mortal enemy and I discussed why Scar is named Scar if he wasn't born with a scar, and came up with three possibilities: His full name is Scarlet, his mother slashed him because she wanted a daughter, or his mother was psychic and had a strange life. Then we shopped in Times Square, where a machine at the M&Ms store told me I was kind after I stomped violently on it several times, a guy dressed as Spiderman growled at me and hit me with a web, and we went to Virgin Records, which was awesome.

We ate dinner at Carnegie Deli, which was very good despite my being an herbivore, and then saw Peter and the Starcatcher.
THE HILARITY. Everyone flailed around laughing for about ten minutes straight, and I was very proud to have gotten the playbill signed by everyone.
We went to the Empire State Building, where some people from another company tried to scam us but failed, and the view was amazing. It kind of made me nervous when people held cameras and stuff outside the bars for photographic purposes, so I tried not to move around much. The view was still great.
Then we walked back to the subway, tried to do bell kicks the whole time for no apparent reason, and went to sleep.

--Day 4--
My feet had begun to be in serious pain at this point from all the walking and I had developed L eyes as a combined effect of fatigue and poorly removed eyeliner from dressing up for dinner.
But I should just tell you what I did.

We took a ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, missed the ferry coming back because it left early, took a different one, and left. I had a churro for lunch (!) which I bought from a very pushy street vendor. Then we walked down Wall Street, were told we didn't love New York by some guy sitting against a building (and doing nothing to better the city he apparently loved), and took far too long to find the 9/11 museum. When we finally got there, everyone was all solemn because it was saddening and we all wrote our thoughts on notecards and put them in a box.
Dinner was "southern" food, which in New York means that they serve fast food and tea with maybe one Splenda packet in it. It was actually pretty good, but they took forever with my milkshake, which to my tired self was an unforgivable crime. Whatever, it was still decent food.
After that, we went to see Once, which was a love story with AMAZING musicians. Everyone onstage had an instrument and an awesome singing voice. For a group of bandies and singers, it was incredible. We got the playbills signed again, which was great. The play next door had a bunch of celebrity actors (ex: James Earl Jones), who we saw for a few seconds through the crowd of people. Then we had milkshakes again, but no boys came to the yard. Then we packed and didn't get to sleep until after 1.

--Day 5--
Woke up an hour later than normal just because, finished packing, and walked around in Times Square. I got a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious shirt for my maternal unit and a Lion King book to go with the soundtrack I had already gotten. Yes, I loved that show. Shut up.

At the airport, I had to check my bag at the last minute because it had magically become too big despite my small amount of things bought. There was a girl in a Black Butler shirt waiting to get on, so we had a small fanjoy moment about how cool that anime is. When we were all on the plane (finally), the pilot introduced himself as Han Solo and made a string of Star Wars references instead of average pre-flight information. Best pilot.
I spent the whole flight being paranoid, because tired me thought that planes crashed all the time and people wanted to steal everything out of my bag, but nothing bad happened. After landing, my mortal enemy and I laughed for a really long time because she said "defecation of property" meaning "desecration." Everyone wanted us to shut up.

And then we all went to our respective homes and I ate a crap ton of Japanese food for dinner.

After sleeping late for one day, I went to music camp, where I roomed with my cousin and learned how to play trombone slightly better. We had a concert, which went quite well. And now I'm home and I slept until 1 today and I'm still kind of tired.

That's about it. I'll be back to normal posts at some point.

May growling Spidermen hit you with webs wherever you may go.

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