Sunday, May 27, 2012

Knbbbnv,nc. Or in English, summer and stuff!

I've already done a crap ton of cool stuff since school got out on Friday.

Swim party on Friday was fun. We talked about normal topics such as what would happen if I suddenly exploded and the amazing character development of that one spear in Lord of the Flies, ate ice cream out of a gutter (I'm not even kidding), and played categories, but with this thing where nobody would admit to being tagged. Except me, because I wasn't tagged and therefore had nothing to admit.

After the party, my friend came over, and we talked about Portal and grilled baby feet (CakeWrecks, read it. I'm not as creepy as you might think.)

(depending on how creepy you think I am).

Then we went to riding on Saturday, where I spent a long time walking in circles trying to catch Luke, who has this habit of walking up with his ears pricked like he'll let you catch him and then running away if you try. My friend finally caught him, and he spent the lesson trying to go fast.
We went to the farm after riding. Among our adventures there were:
Going out in the golf cart, breaking the gear shift, and coming back in reverse.
Riding the Death Pals (tubes behind the boat) and, in my case, falling off multiple times.
Finding a lost dog named Sundae who had somehow managed to break a metal cable that had apparently been used to tie her up.
Walking across the lake and sinking into the mud.
Having a frisbee golf tournament, where my frisbee kept going sideways because apparently hurling it as hard as I could was not enough to make it go straight.
Drawing "Ash Ketchum" and a set of Shinigami from three different anime wearing Ash's hat because I was being stubborn and refusing to draw Ash himself.

As you can see (assuming the picture is not worse than it looks to me), Rem and Undertaker are straight up Gs. Yo.
And relating to this, while looking at anime pictures for amusement and blog content, I found this:

This relevance. All this relevance.

Also on the subject of anime pictures, I pretty much died when I saw this:

L! Chibitalia! IN THE SAME PICTURE! If they added in Hiei, this would be on the truly dangerous side of awesome/cute. I'm not mentally adding any more characters, because more than that could kill you without even existing. And that would be a mess.

Anyway, on the subject of things I did, there was a graduation party today that mainly consisted of people playing various games in the pool while I derped around and swam underwater a lot. There was also frisbee throwing, at which I suck but did anyway.

Okay, on a completely different subject, I am going to New York day after tomorrow. Holy frigglesticks. I just made up that word. Do you like it? Of course you like it.
This will be an adventure, but I'll have to put off blog posts about it until afterwards because my parental units have advised me against bringing my iPad.

Again on an irrelevant subject, Smoke the cat has been in my house all day because he keeps disappearing in the clutter under the table. Duuuuuuhk found him at one point, but he left again and I've lost track.

Finally, I found where I want to live:

So much cool. Provided you don't fall off the cliffs.
Yep, I'll be finding that place or somewhere like it and constructing my epic castle-esque home there as soon as I'm rich.

Okay, I need to not stay up late because I have to do things again tomorrow. I am so lazy. I'm not used to this whole 'doing stuff' thing.

Hugs and gangsta Shinigami to all my readers.

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