Thursday, May 17, 2012

Switching horses?

(Adding one on, fine.)
Yesterday, I went out to the barn as usual. While normally I just go out, get Jack, and ride, my teacher asked which horse I would choose other than Jack. As I rarely consider this and have not ridden many horses except Jack and the beginner ones, I ended up wandering in circles aimlessly trying to think of one.

My teacher ended up picking for me, and I rode a fast bay horse named Luke. Luke is nice and is not extremely hard to control (surprising, considering his reputation as unmanageable). He also has a weird gait because one of his front hooves has a big heel and the other doesn't. My friend ended up on the wrong horse by accident, which was kind of my fault, but there were two horses in the pasture with the same markings and I don't know either very well and neither did my friend. The horse she was on freaked out and started running around and almost falling over because he apparently has arthritis and is never ridden.
So yeah, that was a fun lesson.

After riding, my teacher said that she wanted me to ride Luke more, which I am okay with as long as it doesn't mean not riding Jack, which it doesn't. To make sure Jack didn't hate me, since horses are totally likely to hate humans for that small a reason, I had to take a mint over to his barn. Jack is melodramatic, but he likes mints and tolerates me for some reason. Probably because I give him mints.

And then I had to leave because there was a thing at school to make sure it's not a terrible idea to let me do sports. It wasn't.

So I got an Instagram. Don't judge me, I don't like photography and am not planning to seek attention. And I don't know why I have one because that's pretty much the point of Instagram.
Anyway. About 90% of the time I've spent on it so far was spent looking at Hetalia chibi because SO MUCH ADORABLE. My only complaint is that there is not enough Russia.

And speaking of Russia, we had a French project that involved picking a country and describing your fictional trip there. I went to St. Petersburg, which is a pretty cool place. There's a restaurant called Travel Bag for a Pregnant Spy, which is a fairly interesting name, and there is apparently a ton of cool stuff there. But my fictional trip only lasted three days if you take out the time spent flying.

Also, on the subject of flying (wow, my train of thought has a discernible path today), I am going to New York after school gets out. We're seeing four Broadway shows and doing a ton of other cool stuff. We are also flying on a plane, which I haven't done since I was somewhere around six, and all I remember from that is sitting for a long time waiting on a flight, getting a Dr. Seuss book, and looking out the plane window at a road. So this should be interesting.

Oh, while I'm thinking about interesting, I should say that cake is good and I like it.

My friend and I decided today while talking about our upcoming English final that Jack (Lord of the Flies character, not the best horse ever) is actually a girl, which explains a lot. I am also planning on putting something about Lady Macbeth with five heads and one eye and Lord of the Rings but with flies on the final. You know, just to make things interesting and maybe get cake for my awesomeness afterwards. (See, I was paying attention to my train of thought.)

That's all for today, friend. Or whoever you are.
Capes are awesome.

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