Saturday, May 12, 2012

Equine units. Also, you should be jealous of my family.

So lately I've been doing stuff, which used to not happen too much. You might have noticed how there's a string of posts where I'm all LAWL I NOT DO THING and then a string of WHOA I DO THING NOW that is still continuing.
This morning, I went to riding as usual. Because very few people showed up for lessons, my friend, one of our lesson teachers and I went on a trail ride. Jack was surprisingly nice and very calm, though he spooked at some deer and plowed through every bush or limb we saw. But hey, it's cool as long as he's not running around randomly like he used to do. And I stayed on, so that's good too. After that, we washed horses, cleaned stalls, and talked to the foal until it was time to leave.

Directly after riding, I went to the farm (cool place with a lake and a lot of space where my cousins and I go for funtime). We rode the golf cart around for a ridiculous amount of time, then came back, messed with iPads, ate, went really high on the swings, and named frogs after Deathnote characters. After dinner, we went to Frog Island, which is a piece of land that appears if the water is down and has lately developed a lot of grass. While talking about anime, my cousin and I started walking in circles. Then my other cousin joined in and we ended up creating a giant circular ditch which was then given a face and named Kevin. We decided to make a bonfire, but my cousin claimed to have seen a person walking around so we were really paranoid the whole time. Which, of course, did not stop us from telling grammatically incorrect stories that usually ended in THEN WHO WAS PHONE?! whether it was relevant or not.
Below is my story:

*cue insane screaming*
Scary, yes? I know, I know, I'm great at this stuff. Oh, please stop screaming. There's no real bread here. Calm down.


Okay, I won't tell you any more scary stories. Not even the one about the ded gai.

Anyway, now we're all inside and I have my homemade deathnotes because I am ridiculously proud of those things. I also have my sword, which I still do not regret purchasing even after almost three years. Oh, and there's candy. I like candy.

Okay, I'm tired and too lazy to write or post pictures. Good day, human.

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