Saturday, May 5, 2012


Greetings and salutations, human mortals.
Today, I got back from a horse show. I was busy the whole time, so I couldn't post while I was there. This is what I did, if anyone cares.

Wednesday- Left after school to go to the barn, where I rode Jack and my friend rode her steed. There were several practice rings, which was nice.

Thursday- Went to the barn early, rode, washed horses, cleaned stalls, and did other things. Went back to the hotel with another friend who had just arrived, then went back for the class in the afternoon. The class went well, riding teacher(s) were pleased, Jack got treats, we ended up in 4th place out of 5 for reasons not entirely known.

Friday- No classes. Rode in the morning, the ring was muddy, we spent the whole ride passing each other and not dying. Washed horses and cleaned tack because it was covered in mud. I rode one of the walk/trot horses because he hadn't been outside yet and had a class that night. We walked everywhere around the barns and practice rings before finding my teacher, then trotted around while the horse serenaded me with bizarre growling/snorting noises. Washed him and cleaned stalls about three times. Came back in the afternoon to watch the walk/trot class, where our people did well but did not place as they should have given their ride. Cleaned stalls again. Party at a golf club thing, a bunch of people from different barns were there, danced some and ate cake. I can now do three dances: Caramelldansen, Macarena, and Cottoneye Joe. With varying levels of fail.

Saturday- Class in the morning. Woke up late, panicked, got there on time anyway. Class went well, but Jack's saddle almost came off for some reason and we had to get a time-out to fix it. I didn't get a ribbon, but it's cool because Jack did not feel the need to contradict me every time I said something and that is a major improvement. Went to eat Mexican for friend's birthday/Cinco de Mayo.

Now I'm home. I have homework that I couldn't do before because the teachers decided to make me check the website instead of actually being helpful. I'm doing it tomorrow, though I will likely regret that decision when the time comes.

Jack thinks I'm treats. My support for this statement comes from his random nipping every time I show up and the fact that I brought him two mints and made him guess which hand they were in, as I always do, and he decided to guess my face (I was eating a mint, so it's not entirely invalid).

And now, in case you don't care about horses and therefore do not want to read this post, here are some pictures.

I have one thing to say: WANT.

Is it bad that I understood exactly what they were trying to say? Oh, Germans with questionable English translation technology.

And, as I am still an anime nerd:

I must say: it takes some skill to make Hiei's ultra-creepy Jagan eye demon green skin form look adorable. The entire scene with this form freaked me out a little, and this is coming from someone who was a devoted Hiei fan from his first appearance.
Your hypothetical expression says you think being an otaku is a bad thing.
*smacks hypothetical readers with random objects*
So there. Now you have a homework planner lodged in your ear and I'm not sure how that's physically possible.

That's all. I'm tired and stuff.
M O O .

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