Monday, May 21, 2012

Baby Sebastian the cat.

This morning, I was taking my dog, Bootle, to the backyard (the yard is inconvenient enough to require someone to make sure she doesn't go somewhere random). She usually just walks around and does normal dog stuff, but today, she saw some cats and chased them. Bootle is not a vicious cat murderer, but she does enjoy chasing them at a safe distance.
One of the cats was Hermione, our current nicest alley cat and mother of several, but the other was a fuzzy black and white kitten. The kitten promptly sprinted to the fence, climbed up, and watched Bootle bark at him.

So I got Bootle to leave and stop scaring him, and she walked off and started sniffing things while I greeted the cat.
'Greeting' being a loose term.

I finally decided to stop potentially causing trauma to the kitten and/or risking claw wounds, so I left him alone.

After thinking for a while about what to name this kitten, I decided on Sebastian. I was thinking about Black Butler, but you can think of him as the crab from The Little Mermaid if you want. But not as anyone else.

Anyway, after that I went to school to take a final, which was easy assuming my brain was not trolling me as it sometimes does. It was the only one I was really worried about, I spent most of the time before it frantically reading my notes and pacing (I'm ridiculously laid back until I'm not), and it did not help that someone who took it before me was freaking out about how hard it was.
I didn't even need the stuff I was freaking out about forgetting.

So now I'm home and I have more exams tomorrow, but it's cool because I am awesome. I'll be changing my mind about that tomorrow when I have to take the test, but that doesn't make it less true.

That's all. I have a post planned for sometime that has slightly less pointless content, but that will only happen if it's actually funny.

Careful, there's a flamingo stealing your hair.

Until we meet again.

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