Sunday, May 20, 2012


Nevermind. Calm down, guys. Bunnies were just bunnies.

*pat pat*


Sorry, my train of thought derailed and I couldn't think of anything to write. Let's try again.
I spent most of the day yesterday at the barn. I rode Jack first. He was being derp and wanted to go fast, but that's normal and he was nice anyway. If you didn't know, it took him about 3 years to a) decide that I was not going to eat him, b) stop feeling the need to test my abilities every three seconds by going in random circles, and c) find the brakes. I think he still finds me incompetent, if only because I frequently spend entire lessons singing and/or keeping up a monologue.
After Jack was done, I went to get Luke. Luke is the single hardest horse to catch out of all the hordes I've known. I walked into the pasture with five mints, a halter, and a leadrope, and spent forever calling him and acting all nice. At one point, I got him to walk up to me by holding up mints and clicking at him, and he ate a mint, stood for a while, and ran away. My friend and my riding teacher finally came out in a golf cart, where we chased him to the front of the pasture, cornered him, and stood with our arms stretched out to keep him from leaving while my teacher wrapped the rope around his neck and put the halter on. Then I brought him in and tacked him while he neighed loudly enough to cause pain every few minutes. He didn't do much during the lesson, but the saddle was different and felt wrong even though I got people to check it repeatedly.
Then we ate lunch, listened to someone talk about a riding team, untangled Luke's ridiculous tail, and looked at the foal.

Those of you who could care less about horses can start reading now.

So you know how I always say that Russia is my favorite Hetalia country, but I always post pictures of other countries if the subject comes up?

I'll fix that.

There. Happy nightmares, Hetalia watchers. Kolkolkolkol.

There were several loud thumps outside my house just now. Not even going to ask.

I would make this post longer, but I have stuff to do and I'm not being creative today. Or at all lately. I'll come back when I can be funny.

Cats are puffy.

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