Thursday, May 24, 2012

Oh hey, swimming weather!

So, as it's summer now (ok, technically it's still spring, but no one told the south that) and school is ending, it is now time for people to start swimming. And, as a response to this, there is apparently a pool party tomorrow for the people in my grade. I'm going, as I see no reason not to swim and should probably do something to avoid becoming obese in the future. You know, besides the L diet of eating a crap ton of cake and then thinking it all off.

As most of you people know, the phrase "pool party" for most girls my age means this:

However, for an introverted and slightly bizarre individual such as myself, this is more accurate:

It's not that I'm not ridiculously attractive, I just have my own weird set of brain that does not seem to enjoy my doing anything that could be seen as trying to get attention.
Which, of course, explains my blog and million social media accounts (most of which I made out of curiosity and then never looked at again). But that's on the Internet, not in real life.

I'm getting off topic.
Anyway, it actually benefits me that the other people are hogging all the attention because no one notices me swimming in awkward circles and/or sitting on the bottom just to be sitting on the bottom.

Also, because of exams, here's a comic I found.

You see, kids, cheating just leads to eventual deep confusion. This is why you brains.

On an irrelevant subject, I was thinking today about how strange it is that my pets tolerate me. I don't think I would appreciate someone going up to me and saying, "Hey, I'm your owner now, you'll live in my house and I'll provide you with the basics of life, I'll pet you whenever the thought enters my mind, all you have to do is not ruin things or hurt people. One catch, though-I am going to be extremely obnoxious and might spontaneously scare the crap out of you for no reason and then expect you to continue being nice to me. There is no alternative to this. You will accept my random behavior and you will like it. YAY PET!"
My cat is especially a victim of this, as my dog stays outside, naps, and chases sticks most of the time. Also, having lived with me since I was four, she's pretty much used to it. Duuuuuhk, however, is not. I'll be sitting next to him and then I'll turn around and go D-D-D-DROP THE BASS. WUB WUB WABABABBABBABABABAHDJDCBASKSAMBXnxbxckjhsckjzxhesifjFSJSDJ'sd&7;)(;|€>~?€>%JhjhguhgFJFDJH and he gives me this horrified cat face and runs away. But then he remembers that it's me and comes back and hopes I won't do that anymore.

I think pets deserve respect for dealing with their humans.

It's kind of late and I have to do math tomorrow.
Peace, home-chickens.

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