Friday, May 11, 2012


This is the last time I'll ever see you/and this is normal/but there's my alphabet/so never contact me again. Definitely.

If you do not understand that little song parody I did, DO NOT look up Call Me Maybe because it is pointless and will infect your brain. Also, the parody may or may not be terrible depending on the current weather in Scotland.
I lied, Scotland's weather has nothing to do with it.

(but Russia's does)

I know you're all curious as to what I've been doing for the past however long. I didn't post yesterday (funeral for my great-grandmother, she was 97, no sappy stuff here because I don't like that and it's not necessary for someone with as good a life as she had) but I'm back to normal posts now. Normal, however, is by my standards, which means that sometimes I'll go for weeks without posting and sometimes I'll post five times in one day. Deal with it. Do it for the lulz.

There are some things happening at school. We've been doing dissections in Biology, which is possibly the most disgusting thing I've done in my entire life. It's very interesting, but at the same time I kept reminding myself that I was cutting up these guys:

I drew the cartoons today after dissecting a pig fetus. Shadow and my non-blogging friends were sitting next to me screaming at me to quit making them look cute.

And speaking of pigs: My English class is reading Lord of the Flies, which is well-written and a nice story if you like books where the best characters die and kids act like tribal warlords. In addition to reading this lovely book, we've split the class into tribes who compete for pigs (won through projects and good grades, and are lost through misbehavior). My tribe is called Wiki Tiki Wom Bom (not my idea) and has a flag that was changed slightly from some Alaskan people (also not my idea, but I drew the fish as well as anything else that needed drawing because I am apparently the tribe's official artist).
We are losing.
It's not a close race. The other two tribes have around 14 pigs, and we have 5. ...*sigh* I wouldn't even care if the prize were not a feast for the winners with food brought by the losers. I know I'm supposed to be nice, but I'm thinking coconut and mayonnaise would be a good choice just so I don't have to watch other people eat stuff I like.

We had a French class a while ago that involved a group assignment to make a dialogue, draw a planet, and design the characters. My group consisted of my mortal enemy and my friends that I've known since I was a small human. All of us being crazy, we made the planet a triangle called Butter and its inhabitant Lady Macbeth with five heads. Her heads are named Peanut Butter, Tape, Dave, Lady Macbeth, and I seem to have forgotten the other one. Lady Macbeth head has one eye, and none of the other heads have eyes. She has a ridiculous number of elbows and is wearing a tutu paired with a shirt that says PEANUT. The other character, drawn by my friend, looks like baby Voldemort, but prancing and with really long fingernails. I don't even know what the dialogue says because I was cracking up too much at Lady Macbeth and Voldemort-Prince on Butter.
Needless to say, our teacher was confused.

Okay, so you know how sometimes you're looking at stuff and you see something that causes you to spontaneously lawl for about ten minutes and then you look back and you're like, 'Wow, that's not even funny?'

This is one of those things:

And so is this:

I'm not sure if you would have the same reaction, or even if normal people do that, but that's beside the point.

Also, I found this amusing.

Being a vegetarian is nice because I don't have to worry about people slipping human into my food. Plants, however, are another story entirely.

Last thing, I promise: I found some weird cartoon-related things today.

I loved both of these shows when I was little and my friends watched them. They never came on my TV.

I watched this episode. It kind of blew my mind.
Oh Simpsons, how I love you.

I have once again exhausted today's interestingness.