Monday, April 30, 2012

Hey, do you have Updog?

"What's Updog?"

So I haven't been able to post much lately because stuff has been happening. I went to Solo and Ensemble on Saturday, where I thought I failed horribly at my solo but got a 1, which is the best rating. Then I went to the barn, rode Jack, and washed horses/cleaned stalls/polished tack/stared at the foal because there is a show this week.
Okay, staring at the foal was not strictly necessary. But the washing area was taken, what were we supposed to do?

Sunday was composed of cleaning the house for some reason and doing my flower project for science. I finished it today, but it would have gone faster if there hadn't been a birthday/agonized screaming party at the "empty" house across the street. That was a bit distracting.

Today, I did some stupid stuff and my hand decided to almost fall off when I picked up my bag, which was painful but not painful enough for deathscreams like the people across the street did. At a party. I'm not sure I'm stressing the disturbing weirdness enough.

And now, since everything I have to say about my life is boring, here are some pictures!

I legitimately think I laughed for a full five minutes at the last frame.


I found this on CakeWrecks, which you should visit if you enjoy cake and fail.

I would like to know the occasion for this cake. My guess: I'm sorry I violently murdered your floor during the Disney-themed party. That, or someone dropped a knife on the cake and decided to be polite and apologize. In frosting.


This was drawn at school a while ago, when I had Doodle Buddy open and my friends and I drew stuff. I got bored of writing neatly in mid-word (clothespin, if you find it illegible).

I'm not being funny or interesting today. Or at least not up to my usual overwhelmingly awesome standards.

On another note... (Heh. Band humor.) The seniors are gone today, and this means that I, along with my friend, am in charge of the baritones. We're still below the one-person tuba section because he has seniority, but HOLY CRAP. SECTION LEADER. Band people might not understand this, so I'll explain: Section leaders teach the small children to use their new shiny marching instrument, as well as handling the difficult music (first part, which I've played before, and solos, which I haven't). And we have to convince them that we are in no way sketchy, violent, or unreliable section leaders.

Yep. Screwed.

That's about it.


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