Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Greetings and salutations, fair readers!
So, since I'm going to New York this summer *epicface* and want to buy things there, I'm attempting to save my money. For this reason, I was kind of relieved to finish all of the Deathnote books.

But, as of yesterday's Barnes and Noble trip, I have a new manga to follow. It is called D. Gray-Man and it is awesome so far (so far being to the extent of volume 1).

If you've never heard of it, D. Gray-Man is about this kid named Allen Walker with a weapon... thing... contained in his hand, which he uses to destroy akuma (aka demon body-dissolving firearm/soul combos).
Point one: COOLNESS.
Point two: Awesome, another demon thing.
Point three: Can I find the anime and do I have time? If not, can I stand to save money for this and New York?
Point four: Do I care?
Irrelevant point five: WHO YA GONNA CALL?! GHOSTBUSTERS!!

I wish I was richer.

There are two cats in my house.

I have nothing else to say.

Fare thee well!


  1. Good luck with your economic events! And please don't try to use a death note on me, because like with me pretending to fire lasers out of my hands, it might actually work. (which is why I am trying (and being relatively successful) to stop)

  2. Do I look like a muderer!? I'm insulted! *hastily hiding Death Note and pen* *putting steak knife back in drawer*
    Lasers are epic sauce.
