Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Being serious for once.

Note: I'm being serious about not being serious. Don't read this if you demand humor or if you don't like animals, sad people, or disappointment with the human race.
Okay, good.

Most people probably didn't care about my lack of a post yesterday, as I tend to fail at sticking to a schedule. This time, however, I had a reason.
Remember Peel? The kitten I've mentioned here a few times, who was starting to become an inside cat?
He was hit by a car and killed this weekend. He was the fifth cat of mine to die this way.
I know the cats need to stay out of the road, and we do everything we can to make sure they don't try to go anywhere near it, and I know that I live on a busy street, but people need to pay attention, too. Animals often have human and animal families.
Watch for animals in the road. If you hit one, at least stop and do something for it instead of leaving it there. You wouldn't like being run over and left to die, would you?

Sorry if you don't care. I had some post ideas, but I was too busy being sad for my cat and resentful toward the human race and their arrogance to be funny.

I might post something tomorrow, but, you know, school stuff.
Keep your animals away from the road and your tires away from animals.

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