Friday, April 20, 2012

I did a lot of pointless stuff today.

Hello, stalker! *creepy smile of creepiness*
The only productive thing I did today was presenting my French project. Surprisingly, I did not spontaneously forget the language as I had expected. I also did not spontaneously combust (If you didn't know, I am bad at talking in front of people. I can perform in a play without being nervous at all, but anything else is fail). I pronounce this a success.

My friend came over to work on the flower project earlier. We made animal noises at my pets, to their confusion, and discussed anime and other important matters such as distorting grammar to incredible extent (Anti-Bootle isn't un-not-opposite of yes-non-excited.)
Also, I have probably said before that Duuuuhk is a very dramatic cat. Today, I was petting him and started nyanning for no discernible reason. This is the look he gave me, and please disregard the horrible body. iPads aren't as good as paper for drawing purposes.

That cat. He's just, you know... A cat.

I found some things on the Internet recently.

Ah, Hunger Games. If you haven't read it, read it. The movie is good, but nowhere near the coolness of the book(s). Also, who names their kid Peeta? That's not even a word. I mean, yeah, bread pun, but the other characters have real words in their names. Gah.

I also drew something.

In art, we have to make a drawing with progressive rhythm, which basically means that you have a pattern that changes every time it's repeated. I asked if I could draw a cartoon person with a creepy/deformed smile. I can.

And, finally, I find this to be very cool.

Anyone share this opinion? Lawl, fire.

I am going to ride ponies tomorrow. I enjoy ponies.
Aaaaand nothing interesting to say.
À plus.

1 comment:

  1. Lol,
    And yay awesomeness on the pic.
    Btw good job on all of your not apparently not unimportant stuff you you did
