Thursday, June 14, 2012

Empty schools and a dogswarm.

Ohai hoomans. I am still with my cousins and still doing cool stuff as in the last post, but I've done more of it now.

Today, we went to my cousins' school because of a camp and toured the middle school in the process. Since it is summer and most rules are irrelevant, we did stuff like this:

As well as screaming in the soundproof room to test its abilities (not absolute), mispronouncing "geese" and "swan" (gooshen and schwoon), and other lovely adventures.

Then we came back home and didn't really do much other than throw a soccer ball at ants until after dinner.

We went on a walk through the neighborhood because the dog was supposed to go out after dinner. I rode a scooter for swag purposes, resulting in me looking awesome and having to stop a lot because wheels are faster than feet. On the way back, I was coasting downhill like a BAUS when the neighbor's dogs ran out into the road to give us a friendly greeting that resembled an attack. For whatever reason, they decided to swarm around me.

Apparently, awesome scootering individuals=potential dog murderers that need to be chased away.

On the subject of dogs, look at this pretty picture I took of my little cousins' dog, Susie.


Okay. On that lovely note, I shall end this post because I'm still as lazy as last time. Also, we're watching The IT Crowd and I keep getting distracted.


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